Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

MLC  - fixed taco salad with Magnum ice cream bars

Forbears for dinner w/ Maddens and met up with the Phillips and the Bullocks

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Maddens leave for Birmingham
Clark left at 7 am to go to went to Kingston, Peckham and Gillingham flats to change out mattresses in flats.

started doing laundry and arrived late at the office.

Friday, 7 September 2018

Costco and fixing 266 sack lunches for missionaries

Saturday, 8 September 2018

Meeting with Elder Ufdorf

Walked in Hyde Park and found out more about the BBC Proms.

Monday, 10 September 2018

Elder Ernstom makes us laugh.
Sister Ernstom has a quote for everything!
Elder Wallace and Elder Rees moved the Elder & Sister William from Watford to Enfield to be a member of the bishopric.
Office Staff Meeting 5:30 pm just as Rees and Wallace arrived home. Went till 7 pm.
Clark wanted to go our for dinner and I just couldn't pull it together.  Tender mercy because of late staff meeting.
Cleaned fridge in storage room.  Finishing up with closed flats and helping

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

We did three flat checks today.

We took Sister Bullock and Sister Dransfield to Costco.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Rees were out of the office to clean their flat and start to pack.  We are hoping that we can move into the new flat on the 21 or 22 of September.  Rees last day is the 20 September. Not sure what is going to happen.  Elder Wallace and Elder Ernstrom had to pick up the keys to a new flat which took about four hours.  Sister Ernstom and I had a quiet day at the office.  We found two juicy apples in the fridge for lunch and grateful for it.  I worked on all sorts of projects and helped fill missionary orders for flats and missionary work.

Did grocery shopping at Tesco before flat check at sisters flat.

Morning started early with a doing a flat check at 9 am for 5 sister missionaries.

two other flat checks one at 4:45 pm and another at 6:30 pm  Elder Ta and Elder    took out to McDonalds

Thursday, 13 September 2018

We are so excited to see Emily and Steve.  Did two flat checks before we picked up Steve and Emily.   Sky Garden, St Paul's Cathedral- gave a pass-along card to a volunteer, meet Father Hugh ____.  We visited for a few minutes and found out that he is retired and volunteers at St. Paul's.

Friday, 14 September 2018

Got a phone call that my BRP and provisional drivers license came.
Office - Clark Wimbledon did a tender mercy for Elder Rees and got his prescription sunglasses from the van was having body work done.  He did not even tell me.  Several people wanted to know where Elder Wallace went.
Dinner at Garfunkel's - Play - Lion King
Steve & Emily - Buckingham Palace and Westminister Abbey

Saturday, 15 September 2018

Seven Sisters and Birlington Gap, Hever Castle, and tried to see the London Temple but it was closed, visited Lesley and David Bridgstock.  Dinner at the Thai Resturant in Lingfield.
9 pm went to the office to learn how to do transfers on IMOS. Home by 11 pm.

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Steve and Emily went to Hyde Park Ward for church at 9 am.  We went to Lea Valley Ward. Music in Primary went better today because the Primary President played the piano for music.  Dinner w/ kids - President Checketts birthday and Emily and Steve brought Miracle Whip for President Checketts birthday.  He was ecstatic about it. Sister Christensen came for dinner and took dinner back to the VC for Elder Christensen.
