Monday, 30 October 2017

Monday, 30 October 2017

The Corbetts left us today.  Elder Parker and I were able to get a few more questions in before Sister Corbett left.  It was very helpful to our jobs.  Thank You Corbetts for your dedication and hard work with cars and flats.  Sister Corbett loves people and loves to entertain and has an infectious laugh.  Elder Corbett has a wit and tells great stories.  I will remember him the day I drove.  He was patient and brave to let me drive. We went twice to the Corbetts for dinner.  She says she'll send me pictures.  The weather has turned colder and I was freezing in the office.  Sister Corbett left a red knit jacket and I wore it all day.  Bless her.  I did find out how to turn on the heater by my feet.  It will help

Elder and Sister Costly invited Sister DeArden and Sister Harkness and us for dinner.  I was to bring dessert.  Drove home to put a lushes Raspberry White Chocolate Waffle Pudding together to cook at the Costlys.  Sister Harkness was not feeling well and didn't come.  We picked up Sister DeArden and drove into East Grinstead with our GPS.  Once parked we called the Costlys and he could see us and directed us to their flat on the 3rd floor.  The building did have an elevator because Sister DeArden had fallen from a house and broke her back and doesn't walk to well.  (sound familiar) Sister Costly had made Tacos and everything to go with it.  It was yummy!  I proceeded to cook this wonderful dessert.  My mouth was watering knowing how good it was going to taste.  I was a bit surprised that the dessert didn't look like it was cooking so we left the dessert in the oven  a bit longer.  Ssiter Costly had told us horror stories about her oven and some of her failures because of it.  I was determined to succeed and make sure the dessert was a highlight of the evening.  We brought ice cream to top the dessert.  Feeling it was ready, I dished out the dessert.  It just didn't look right.  Everyone was very kind and ate it saying it had a strong potato taste.  They were being very kind!!!  Had it not been for the ice cream no one would have finished the dessert.  Elder Wallace and I arrived home to check out the waffle package when we realized that we had bought Potato Waffles-not waffles with potatoes but potatoes that looked like waffles.  (LOL and still LOL!!!!)

Sister Costly had decorated her house for Halloween and we had games and prizes.  It was a wonderful evening excluding the dessert.  We celebrated the Night Before Halloween.

Early Tuesday morning Elder Wallace and I woke talking about the Waffle Dessert.  I must of laughed for 15 minutes - the crying  - bent over laughing and it kept getting better  as I realized I had offered to give Costlys and DeArden some dessert to take home.  Darn - I didn't take pictures!  The awful Waffle Pudding has not crushed my spirits.  Will send recipe when I have success. 


  1. You are good sports! Funny story! We attended our 1st District Meeting -- 4 teams, plus the Cowdells, the MLS couple serving in the Sandy West Stake. Missionaries are a breed apart. We love them. It was a great experience!

  2. East Grindstead, Wow, now there's a name I haven't heard for about 40 plus years. East Grinstead was my very first area as a Greeny. What made it very nice though was the fact that the London Temple was in our proselyting area. Sometimes we would go there and ask GQ's in the Visitor's Center. We really loved the temple workers, they invited us to come to a Christmas dinner, there at the Manor House.

  3. My mistake, it has been 52 years

  4. If you want to have a good laugh, google "waffle wedded wife." It will tickle your funny bone.


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