Thursday, 25 January 2018

Thursday, 25 January 2018

I cannot believe that it is Thursday and the week is almost over.  Clear skies and the sun shone today!!!  Its always a good day when that happens.

Elder Wallace and I woke up late today-7:30 am. (I know that it seems early for some people)  We woke up at 4 am again.  (I hope it is not going to be a habit.) We visited and talked about the mission and the things we had to do and went back to sleep. Before going back to sleep I was listening to an interview on Facebook from a guy who has his own company.  He talked about the Millennials and what their problems are.  He said bad parenting (not their fault), telling the children they were special, not letting them achieve and fail on their own, technology and just being lazy. At meetings the Millennials can't keep off their phones.  He also talked how people don't communicate anymore.  |His employees would come into a meeting and everyone is on their phone.  No phones should be allowed in meetings. (I know that my dad has gotten mad at me for answering the cell phone or text when we are together.  Dad was right! I have been repenting.)  He said that he was talking to one of his employees that had been working for him for eight months.  He was asking the worker how he liked his job.  The employee was thinking of quitting because he didn't think he was making a difference.  Very interesting!

My watch alarm went off at 6:30 am and I told myself I would get up.  Surprise to hear the garbage truck picking up the rubbish at 7:30 am.  Got up quick, made the bed, prayed, showered and a quick breakfast, put a load in the laundry and off to work. I spent part of the morning answering emails on flats.  Elder Wallace and I came home and changed into work clothes and was back at the office and cleaned out the shed. I brought an apple for us because I didn't think we would get back home for lunch.  I was inspired! We organised items and put all the microwaves, irons, toasters, eating utensils, dishes, bowls, weights (yes weights) etc. in their own areas on shelves.  We now know what is in our inventory of items for flats.  I took two huge bags of kitchen items: mixing bowls, pots and pans to the Accommodations and ask if they could use the any of the items and I would come back and pick up anything they couldn't use.  It was ALL GONE when I went back!  YAY! Another tender mercy.

Elder Wallace and Elder Parker went to two flats to get the rubbish.  They loaded a fridge and freezer, chairs and other items to take to the rubbish tomorrow.  I cleaned and folded sheets, duvets, and blankets.  It was wonderful to use the Accommodations washer and dryers.  I did 5 loads of laundry.  The office lots of large white garbage bags full of clean bedding for flats on chairs and the floor.  We will load them in the van tomorrow when we help to move a flat on Saturday.

Soooo glad that it is time to go home. We cooked a frozen pizza and made a green salad for dinner. At the end of dinner we received a darling picture of Claire.  We called Emily to see how she was doing with her tooth.  Our prayers were answered.  She is doing well. Claire was smiling and talking to us and blowing kisses. Emily told us about Carla and her problems and how Janice Sorenson would like to visit with us.  I told her to go get her.  We had a chance to talk to Janice before she has her leaky valve fixed in her heart in a couple of weeks.  Doug is having terrible sciatic problems. (I know how that feels.) It was so good to visit and see Janice.  Thank you Emily for being so thoughtful.

Clark and I baked cookies for District Meeting tomorrow.  I caught up on the blog while Clark finished the cookies.  He is my sweetheart!  Finished my day with folding clothes.
Clark baking cookies.  We can only do 6 at a time.
It is a big difference from doing a dozen at a time.
Cookies turned out great.  Recipe off the back of the
 Kirtland Chocolate Chip bag from Costco.


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