3-14 February 2018

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Daffodils starting to bloom.
£1 per bunch at Tesco
Fast Sunday - able to fast till 6 pm without food and water - a tender mercy.  I usually get sick, stomach pains and other problems not to write about.  I went until 6 pm for dinner.

Church - amazing that we were able to catch each train at the right time and arrived in plenty of time to set up for Primary.  Elder Wallace put the numbers up for the songs in the chapel for me.

Sister Irish gave us a bag of food for our dinner.

Elder Wallace went in the bedroom to lie down and listen to a talk and read.  He had a wonderful afternoon nap.  I was able to work on music for the Sacrament Mtg and Primary.  It is quite a jumbling act.  Brother Freeman can only play a short list of songs and I have only three songs to sing for Sacrament song.

Dinner - delicious.  A big thank you to Sister Irish for the wonderful dinner.

We made cookies to took them around to the a few of the flats in the building.  We met a married couple in one flat and the other flat above us with a family of five.  Family with two kids and a nanny.

Working on blog was a goal today.

Monday, 4 February 2019

Elder Wallace left a bit early for the office while I finished up getting ready and vacuuming the floors.

We loaded the van with all the pallets of wood that the boxes of Book of Mormon were placed on when being shipped from Salt Lake.

Staff meeting.  Sister Gorgas came back as a service missionary.  She was set apart yesterday at church.  We are so happy to have her back.

Staff Meeting: Lots of issues to discuss with housing, driving license, calendar, new missionaries and replacements for senior couples...the list goes on.

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Email from Checketts about 7 year old grandson Will

Worked in office all day.  We have two men working on rewiring the office building internet and phone and WiFi.  They are so nice and accommodating.

Lots of orders today.  One was a replacement plug for a SAD light.  5 SAD Lights, office supplies and orders of Book of Mormons especially different languages.

Dinner consisted of leftovers.

Didn't feel well.  a bit dehydrated.  Drank and slept.  Felt better the next day.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Elder Ernstrom and Elder Wallace were gone all day with cleaning out a flat and going to rubbish twice.  Had a van loaded with more wood from pallets, an old couch, and other rubbish.

Sister Ernstom and I had a quiet day at the office.  Worked on provisional drivers license for missionaries and walked to the post.  Bought a chicken wrap and a cake for lunch at a small store outside of South Kensington Station.

SAD Light plug came today.  Tender Mercy when I asked the worker on the internet to help me with the plug.  The other tender mercy was it was ready for Sister Checkett's to take with her tonight for interviews.

Visited with Sister Checketts about Will.

Ernstoms - Dinner at a Chinese place - a dive but a great food.  Lots of students go there.

After dinner we went to Waitrose and purchased milk and 4 hot cross buns.

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Best night sleep I have had in a long time.

Great news on Will.  He is doing better.  Prayers and miracles go hand in hand.  Will can talk

SAD Lights arrived.  A day earlier than planned on.

The time is coming to end in England.  Working on plans to see Paris and Frankfurt.  Spent the better part of the day working on housing files.  Trying to cleanup loose ends before we leave.

We did make it home for a bite to eat.

Dinner - stir fry.

Elder Wallace went back to the office to clean the van and get ready for our day.
dropping off couch and two chairs in Mitcham, 2 purple beds, hair cut, temple, pass along cards,  the list goes on.

Friday, 8 February 2019

Couch and Chairs to Mitchem - Elder Cluff and Elder Angeiras
IKEA for frying pans, squeegees, tea towels, wash clothes, cookies and two battery operated lights to go under the kitchen fan.
Temple sealing
visit with Lesley - great hot chocolate
Tarana Restaurant with Bullocks
home - will put away things tomorrow in the van.
found out that there are light with the fan.  cleaned,

prayers, scriptures, sleep

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Thinking it was 6:30 am and wondered why my alarm didn't go off.  It was only 5:30 am.
Read about black mold, mold in general, and testing for mold
readied ourselves for the day, breakfast and cleaned out van and organized storage room.

Bullock to Windsor Castle at 9 am
Dinner at a Thai Restaurant
Went shopping at Tesco on our home.  Lights went out and told to leave

Sunday, 10 February 2019

We were able to catch all our trains without waiting.

Lea Valley Ward Conference -
Did Primary Sing time - senior primary consisted of 6 children.  Kept asking deep questions about the gospel.  Taught Plan of Salvation.

Dinner at Ernstroms with Bullocks
Somewhat potluck.  Sister Ernstrom made Ham and Bean Soup that was to die for.  Sister Bullock brought apple crisp for dessert and we brought rolls, green salad, and Costco ice cream leftover from MLC.

Played Five Crowns and Skull King
Clark and I tied winning Skull King

I had to go back to the office?  Invited Fawsons - gave him a guilt trip - said it could be a Valentine Present.

Talked to family today.

Monday, 11 February 2019

Worked in the office all day
Sister Ernstom came in and
Staff Mtg.
Dinner and Motown with the Fawsons and Bullocks.

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Three loads of laundry today getting ready for family to come.
Worked in office all day. I did drivers licenses, mail, etc. Did take time for lunch.  Egg salad sandwiches.  Yummy!
Did I ever tell you how much I love Sister Ernstom.  She makes me laugh - she is so talented - and quick wit.  We have a great time.
Clark went and put money on the oyster cards for Tyler and Marjorie and kids - Baum's to fix lights in their house.

Clark took the Dransfields to Costco while I stayed at the office to work on utilities and flats.

Returned home within a half hour of each other.

We went walking and took the tube to Westminister and walked across the Thames and past the Eye and across another bridge.  We wanted to see the sights at night and wish we had done it more.  Returned home and booked the rest of our trip to Paris-Frankfurt.  We are really going to travel a bit after the mission.  I am excited but am anxious to get home.  11 pm and I need to get some sleep.

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Spent the day in the office.  Trying to catch up on items that needed doing.  Elder Wallace and I are  working on utilities and security deposit to get them done before we leave.  Can't think about leaving-can't get trunk-y!!!

We need special help with the utilities.  Elder Ernstom said to give him instructions and he would do it.

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Lunch at Bridgstocks, purple beds to Pecks and Christensens.  Saw Friendship Centre at work in Peckham.  While Elder Wallace was driving, I put together instructions on how to open and close utilities for a flat.

Lunch at the Bridgstocks was lovely.  Lesley set a brilliant table and lunch was delicious.  She served a salad without lettuce-tomatoes, cucumber, onions and served a macaroni dish with fruit. We had such a nice visit.

Sister Peck was so happy to get the purple bed.  Visited with them and she sent us off with Chicken Salad sandwiches. We finally made it to the Christensens place in Peckham at 6 pm.  She was so excited to get a purple bed.  Back to the office to work a few more late hours.  It was 9:30 pm before we left the office.  A big day.
