25-28 February 2019

Monday, 25 February 2019

I have been so spoiled on my 65th birthday.  Many surprises and birthday wishes.
Flowers and chocolates for my birthday.

  • flowers, chocolate, sung to by the zone
  • Senior FHE-We were able to say our goodbyes and bare testimony.  President and Sister Checketts said some of the nicest things to us.  One was that we have changed the culture of the mission.  He called me a glow worm (quote from Churchill) 
  • worked in the office
  • Washed laundry - living room looked like a tent city
  • talked with family and friends - DuPaix, Nanette in Hawaii, Marjorie, Emily and even Mark. Had a nice long talk with Susan and learned 
Tuesday, 26 February 2019
  • Ambassador Reception 
  • Coleman's came for to stay for two nights
  • Called my dad at the office to wish him a Happy Birthday
  • worked in the office till 7:30 pm
  • With all the beautiful flowers for the reception, I decided that I would take my funeral pictures to send to the missionaries.

    Going to send to the missionaries as I leave the mission.  When you arrive you are born,
    when you leave you die.  I got so many laughs from the departing missionaries when I
    showed them.  I am going to write that there is "life after a mission" and I am going to
    be there for them when they pass on. 
    Notice how beautiful the flowers are!
Wednesday, 27 February 2019
  • Office 
  • Dinner with Colemans and took them to Forbert's.  
  • We played 'Wicked' music for the Colemans before they saw the play.
Thursday, 28 February 2019
  • Colemans said good bye.  It was her birthday and they were going to Wicked.
  • Worked in the office
  • Made two batches of granola
  • I slept on couch for a few hours
