15-24 February 2019

Friday, 15 February 2019

I was prepared again when Elder Ernstom said he didn't know how to open or close flats.  I pulled out the instructions and gave it to him.  He thank me.

Marjorie, Tyler, Rex, Sophia and Maisie arrived in England.  What a joyous reunion!  So glad to have them here with us.

Saturday, 16 February 2019

Sightseeing with family!    Maisie kept saying she want to ride a Double Decker bus and reminded us for two days.  Maisie came with a list of things to do and see in London.  We checked off some of her list by going to:

Fun on the double-decker bus!
All Mazsie wanted to do is ride a
Double Decker Bus! 
  • Double Decker Bus
  • British Museum - Maisie slept for an hour at a small eating area.  
  • lunch at Pret Manger - sandwiches and water 
  • Tube (underground) to Buckingham Palace
  • Home to rest and off to Hobson for Fish n' chips
  • Clark and Marjorie went grocery shopping
  • Home - listened to President Checketts and his Saturday night message.  Missionaries can now contact and talk to family once a week.  Wow!!!  I think this will help with missionaries and homesickness plus we have a lot of missionaries that are the only members of their families.  We are seeing many changes unfold in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Picture from the front of a
Double Decker Bus. 

British Museum while Tyler & Marjorie
had to wait in line. You could go in a
shorter line if you didn't have a bag.

Enjoying the grand-kids and
seeing the sights of London.
We loved the British Museum.

Sunday, 17 February 2019

  • Church in Lea Valley Ward
  • Rex played the piano while I led the music in Sacrament Meeting-Pure Joy
  • Marjorie played the piano in Primary while I did Sing Time.
  • Greens went to see a see some of the sights of London and visited the museums across the street from us.
  • English Dinner with Yorkshire Puddings, carrots, peas, potatoes, rolls, roast and trifle for dessert.
  • Played Five Crowns 
Monday, 18 February 2019
  • Worked in the office - We visited the flat of Sister Toh and Sister Sao.  Two more sisters are moving into the flat and we were checking out what we need to buy for them.  We also helped clean mould off the walls in the bathroom. 
    Elder Wallace is a hero for risking his
    life on a chair to clean mould.

    Elder Wallace with mould cleaner.

    Sister Toh and Sister Sao

    We went to The Old Dutch restaurant and had crepes.
    First we had a savory crepe and then a sweet crepe.

    Yummy Crepe.

    Maisie loved her Crepe with Nutella!

    Rex and Sophia shared a peach
     crepe w/ice cream.

    Monday night is 1/2 price night
    at The Old Dutch.
  • The Greens went to Westminster Abbey, Tower Bridge, Borough Market for lunch and ate duck sandwiches
  • The Old Dutch for crepes
  •  And to finish the day with  playing Five Crowns.  Maisie was our good luck charm.  Whom ever she would stand by would start to win. 

Tuesday, 19 February 2019
  • Office for us
  • Greens went to St Paul's Cathedral, Monument, Tower of London
  • Missionaries came for dinner and had Cottage Pie with the grandchildren.
  • Marjorie and Tyler went out for the night.  We were thrilled to play games with the missionaries.
Wednesday, 20 February 2019
  • Greens went to the Churchill War Rooms, Shard, lunch at the Borough, HMS Belfast
  • Our days our full helping to run the office. It was Sister Checketts birthday.  Sister Ernstrom bought flowers, donuts, and a beautiful card.  Sister Checketts received this vase from her sister.  The card inside the bowl was given from Sister Ernstrom.  The card was signed by signed by the missionaries that were having interviews.  They also got the donuts to eat.  We sang to Sister Checketts and presented the flowers.
Thursday, 21 February 2019
  • Greens went to Kensington Palace, river tour on Thames, Greenwich Observatory where time starts. 
  • Dinner at Fouberts.  Thank you Tyler and Marjorie for dinner.  We loved the food. 

Friday, 22 February 2019
  • Hampton Court Palace-no work just play with our family.  The weather has been spectacular.  They only had rain one day.  We love the history and the grounds at Hampton Court.
  • Lunch at The Mute Swan across the street from the palace.  
  • Walked around Piccadilly Circus and visited a M&M store that had four floors
  • China Town was just around the corner and found an ice cream store that sold us soft ice cream in a waffle shaped like a fish.  
  • Harrods - all the kids bought a book to read on the way home.  I bought some other souvenirs.  Need to go back and get some more.
    Image result for hampton courtImage result for hampton courtImage result for hampton court
    Hampton Court

    Gargolas at Hampton Court
    Add caption
Selfie with Rex

Rex in the gardens of Hampton Court
China Town in Piccadilly Circus.

Saturday, 23 February 2019
  • We worked at home and in the office since we missed Friday.  We met them at Borough Market and had lunch.  
  • Greens went on a bike ride in Hyde Park and parts of London
  • Returned home to play games with kids and eat leftovers while Marjorie and Tyler went for Thai food.
  • Marjore and Tyler and grand kids packed.  Its hard to see them go.  
Sunday, 24 February 2019

Left at 7:30 am we were on our with the Green's to take them to Heathrow.  On the way Rex got sick to his stomach.  When we finally got to the airport Marjorie and Rex said a quick goodbye and rushed to find a toilet.  We proceeded to deliver a box to the Elders at the Staines church.  We made it back to Hyde Park Church for part of Sacrament Meeting.  I proceeded to Relief Society while Elder Wallace had a meeting with the Mission Presidency for a disciple court for a missionary.  

Sister Ernstom and Sister Bullock made a birthday dinner for me.  No preparation for dinner on Sunday.  We had a delicious Kentucky Fried Chicken, ribs, rice, green salad, and a strawberry pie dessert.  We played two games of Five Crowns and Elder Wallace and I left the biggest losers of the night.  We have so much fun with these special couples that will be our dear friends forever.  
