Friday-Thursday, 25-31 January 2019

Friday, 25 January 2019

President Checkett's went in for surgery on his shoulder.  They were able to do it laparoscopy but did find that he had a hairline fracture.  Surgery went well.

We worked in the office.  Elder and Sister Peck came into the office as we were heading out to an emergency to help with four sisters.  We drove 14 miles to Ilford to sister missionaries flat.  At 3 pm Elder Wallace said we needed to go.  We gathered sheets, pillowcases, blankets, bed frames and blowup bed and left in the car.  We found that two sets of sister missionaries were living in a flat and it was an explosive situation.  The new sister missionaries had been sleeping on the couch and floor.  We spent an hour and cleared out the one bedroom and set up the bed frames and rearranged part of the flat.  We took Sister Martes and Sister Huldin out to dinner to a fast food place for chicken.  It was fun getting to know Sister Huldin from Sweden and Sister Martes from California.  Sister Huldin talks quite.  Sister Martes is mature and a bit on the quiet side.  It has been very hard on them living with the STL's (Sister Trainer Leaders).  We arrived home about 10 pm. On our way home we were traveling on the other side of the Thames and could see the lights of London and especially the Eye which was lit up in red.  Pictures just doesn't do the sights justice! So happy to be back home and rest.

Saturday, 26 January 2019

Elder Wallace got a needed haircut.  We ready ourselves for the day, ate breakfast and cleaned house.  We decided to divide and conquer.  I went to the office to work for a few hours.  It was 10 am and Elder Wallace went shopping, made granola, vacuumed and took a nap.  We had made plans to go somewhere because the weather was mild.  I worked until 2:30 pm and it started raining.  We missed our chance to go sightseeing so we took the 52 bus on Kensington High Street and walked to a store called  Decathon and bought a new pair of shoes.  I found an inexpensive pair of shoes to wear on our trip to France and Germany.  I have been needing a new pair for a long time.  Even Nanette left me her shoes which I have been wearing.  They are navy blue with florescent orange shoe laces.   While buying shoes, the Bullock's called and invited us over for soup and games.  Yay!!!  She made taco soup with chips.  Hot and tasty on a cold and rainy night.

Sunday, 27 January 2019

We are getting use to the new schedule at church.  I lead music in Sacrament Mtg and in Primary and Elder Wallace taught a lesson in Elders Quorum.  Primary is interesting with only 20 minutes of music.  I use Music time as sharing and music and it seems to resonate with the children. We had a tender mercy in Senior Primary when we sang the song Search, Ponder and Pray.  I asked the question if any of their prayers had been answered.  Two boys raised their hands.  One boy named Olie told how he wanted to attend a soccer game but was afraid his dad won't be awake to take him in time.  His dad goes to bed late and can't get up in the morning.  But this time Olie's prayer was answered.  His dad got enough sleep to take him.  Then Chubie said there were friends at school that weren't very nice to him and he prayed that they would be.  He said that now they are his friends.  It was a sweet moment and I was able to testify that Heavenly Father does answers our prayers and loves us and is concerned about our welfare.

I spent a long time working on organizing for the Zone Conferences and MLC.  I collected recipes and outlined who was helping.  I will call them in the morning.

Elder Sabin is coming to visit and has some scriptures for the missionaries to read.  I went to the office to print them out.  It was over 8 pages long.  I started to read the scriptures and laid down to take a power nap.

We had Kyla, Avery, Margaret, Emily- Foreign Exchange students from BYU come for an English Dinner - roast, gravy, potatoes, carrots, peas, rolls and trifle.  Emily called during dinner.  It was fun hearing about their experiences and sharing our mission with them.  We taught them how to play Five Crowns. Afterward the game we served Trifle.  We took them on the bus back to their place.  The girls had arrived a half hour late because Emily couldn't remember how to get here.  We decided to take them home on the bus and then walked them all the way to the BYU Centre.  They were very grateful.

We returned home and tided the kitchen from dinner and wrote on the blog.  Marjorie and grand-kids called and we talked about their trip to England.  It will be so exciting to see them.

Monday, 28 January 2019

It's hard to write down all that we do during the day when at the office.  We spend time going from the 3rd floor office to the basement to get copies of the Book of Mormon, supplies and other things for missionaries.  (If we were in America the 3rd flour would be our 4th flour.)  We will walk up and down the stairs several times a day to get our exercise.  I am must say that I can make it almost as fast as the missionaries.  Not bad for someone turning 65 next month.

President Checketts came to the office in the early afternoon.  Surgery has not stopped that man.  We had Staff Meeting to plan for Elder Sabin and his wife to visit the our mission.  President Checketts asked Elder Wallace and I to pick up Elder and Sister Sabin from the airport on Tuesday.  We will have time to visit with a General Authority.  He does know my brother Dan and Julia from Frankfurt Area Mission.  Elder Sabin visited us last February in the England London South Mission.  It will be a treat for the missionaries.  He will be teaching them the three days they are with us.

After Staff Meeting, Elder Wallace and I took off in the van to get the need food supplies for Zone Conference and MLC.  We bought chicken, meatballs, cheese, peelers, crisps, rolls... (I have to tell you about the rolls here.  They are packaged in a heavy plastic and are almost like half cooked.  You get your hand wet and put a little water on each roll then place them in the oven and in 10 minutes you have a crispy on the outside and soft on the inside roll.  Delicious!!! It would be a big hit in Utah.  Our Costco run was over £450 and we filled the back of the van with our good.  We love the boxes so we can stack our food.  We went back in to get a quick bit to eat.  It is going to be a busy week for all of us.  We have more missionaries in the office since we have four Assistance to the Presidents and then two tech sisters.  It's a challenge to get the work  done when so many people are coming and going.

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Prepared for Zone Conference and MLC this week.

Picked up Elder and Sister Sabin at 4:30 pm at Heathrow Airport and dropped them off at the Merriott Hotel.  We had a nice visit and talked about their travels.

Elder and Sister Rowley's stayed the night since they live in Portsmouth. This will be the third and last time they will stay with us. We served Cottage Pie, hot rolls, and apples to them for dinner.  It was a tender mercy to have had the leftovers from Sunday dinner to serve.  Elder and Sister Rowley were a big help in helping preparing for the spices needed for the Enchilada Sauce.  Elder Wallace and Elder Rowley picked up the Sabin's and took them to the Checketts place while Sister Rowley did the dishes and I worked on 12x's a recipe for Enchilada Sauce.  Elder Rowley made it back to help with going over the math.  I can say the Rowley's saved the day since some of my calculations were wrong.  I spent close to an hour talking to two sister missionaries that didn't have heat or hot water.  I searched Youtube and found more about boilers and connections.  Around 11 pm I told them to go to bed and keep as warm as they could and refill their gas card in the morning and try again. We planned for the morning of showers and shopping before going to the office.

Wednesday, 30 January 2019

6 am came to quickly.  Elder Wallace was up first to take advantage of the shower.  I was just behind him.  Elder Wallace made an early trip to Tesco to get all the fresh vegetables for the veggie trays along with the creme fresh (sour cream) to top on Enchiladas. The Rowley's and I got breakfast ready and items to take with us to the kitchen next door.

I am bring home a recipe for Enchiladas in the crock pot.  Missionaries loved it.

Zone Conference was a special treat.  I made sure that all the senior missionaries got to attend the Zone Conference.  We worked hard setting tables, cooking and preparing for the lunch.  I had a host of helpers.  I put out the word to the senior couples and all of them are ready and willing to serve.  I love the senior couples who are faithful and generous with their talents to serve a missionaries.  We have been part of the many miracles and tender mercies because of our senior missionaries.  The only glitch in the whole day was the instapots in pressure cooking the chicken.  I filled the pots to full.  But the chicken got done in a timely manner.  The Enchiladas were a bid hit.  There was seconds for some missionaries and everyone got enough to eat.

Returned to work in the office until 7 pm.

Sister Peck and Elder Christensen helping setup the tables.
What an array of colorful food.
Left to right: Sister Allred, Sister Phillisp,
Sister Severson, and Sister Christensen

Sister Evans and Sister Rowley

Thursday, 31 January 2019

 Zone Conference

Second day of cooking.  Wish I had taken pictures of the new crew that helped with lunch.

Elder Wallace and Elder Ernstom went shopping at Costcos.  I always think of Dennis Doyle when I write about Costco and the fun we have had in our travels visiting Costco.  I received a Christmas card from them and a picture of them at Costco.  (LOL!)

It was repeat of yesterday except the chicken cooked did much better. Today went much smoother than yesterday after learning how to set up the different stations.

One of the tender moments is when the missionaries sing to us.  I get all teary eyed and especially know that we have only one more Zone Conference before we leave the mission.

Got a chance to call Roger and Edie and had a nice visit with them.  Tried Dennis and MaryKaye but no answer.


  1. Cooking, cooking and more cooking! I get hungry just reading your blog.


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