Friday, 1 February 2019

Friday, 1 February 2019

We are on our third day of preparing lunch for missionaries.  Today we served BBQ Meatballs over rice, carrot and broccoli salad from Costco, rolls, and banana splits for dessert for MLC.  It was for only 60 people this time.  Just a small group!  I was so thankful to the Bullocks, Dransfields, and Phillips that came to help.  I could not have done it without them especially Elder Wallace.
Elder & Sister Sabin with President & Sister Checketts

MLC Conference - got back from the airport to take this picture.  

We left at 1:15 pm to take Elder and Sister Sabin the Heathrow to catch a flight back to Frankfurt, Germany. We had a lovely visit and Sister Sabin and I talked and the next thing I knew we were approaching the airport.  We talked about our children and grandchildren and about the missionary couples and our work at the office.  We were blessed to be able to have this special time with the Sabin's. I didn't have to do cleanup.  Pots and pans and dishes were all washed and put away.  We arrived just as MLC ended.  I was able to take this picture of the leadership of the England London Mission.  We are blessed to work with all of these missionaries.

We are in the rainy and cloudy season.  It was raining as we walked to meet the Bullocks for dinner at a little Italian restaurant down the street from the Bullocks flat.  It was a small intimate little place called Il Borgo.  When we entered music from Italy was playing and the walls were decorated of Paris scenes.  It made you fill like you were in Italy.  Elder Wallace got the spaghetti and I order the Risotto rice with chicken and mushrooms.  I had the better meal.  It was delicious.  I have been only able to snack on the lunch each day and was grateful for a hot meal.  We walked to the Bullock's flat and played two games of Five Crowns.  We win some and lose some and still go away as friends.


  1. We'll have to start practicing our Five Crowns if we want to keep up with you!


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