Tuesday-Sunday, 1-5 January 2019

My favorite picture of Christ!
Picture from 'Come, Follow Me'
To our family and friends that read the blog.  We wish you a Brilliant 2019!  It is going to be an exciting time for us finishing the mission, returning home, setting new goals, new and exciting changes to church that make me rethink and recommit my life to Christ, looking forward to ministering in a new way and missing passed friends that have moved or passed on and best of all seeing you again the end of March.  We thank the Lord that you are a part of our lives forever.   

Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Went for a walk in Hyde Park with my honey.
Breakfast hash browns and eggs.
Put away the Christmas decorations and packed what we will be bringing home.
Had the Bullocks and Ernstoms over to play games and dinner.  Served roast beef sandwiches, fruit salad.  We played Skip-O first and had dinner afterwards and then we had to play a game of Five Crowns.  Elder Wallace went to the office and brought home Sister Fullmer and Sister Arkell-Runo and fed them dinner.  They enjoyed the leftovers of roast beef sandwiches.

I did make it over to the office to work on baptisms.

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

We had four missionaries arrive from the MTC.  It throws us a off at the mission to have new missionaries before transfers.  Yet we are so grateful for new missionaries.  It keeps us sharp and on our toes.

Sister Checketts called me with an idea of having T-shirts printed for all the missionaries for our 444 Day of Celebration which is on Monday (in 5 days). Miracles do happen!  I called Ian, a printer in East Grinstead.  He is heaven sent and was able to get 250 shirts stitched with the UK flag and ELM 444 by Friday.  We had to have all the sized for the shirts by noon if we could pull it together.  We did some guessing on sizes for the senior couples and the AP's went to work calling all the zone leaders to get t-shirt sizes.  We were celebrating reaching our goal of for the mission by helping to bring 444 disciples to Christ.  By noon we had all the sizes in and shirts ordered for Monday.  Sister Checketts apologized for putting so much work on the office staff.  The Checketts have grand ideas and we were able to pull it all together.

We worked all day in the office.

Sister Oliveira and Sister Andrande came and finished off the rest of the roast beef sandwiches.   They insisted on helping do the dishes which were leftovers from breakfast.  I love the visiting while working.  These sisters are amazing missionaries.

Thursday, 3 January 2019

Spent the day working on security deposits from the flats for Germany.  Elder Wallace went to visit help at a flat and the sweet sister from China sent a package of goodies.  This was one of them.  I was a bit surprised when I saw fish and almonds together.  I opened the package and yes - it was almonds and dried small fish!!!  I took it to the office and Sister Chiang got a hold of the package and was trying to get the elders and sister to have a taste.  I will try most anything but I could not bring myself to try this.  One brave sister said it was crunch and salty and good if you didn't know what you were tasting.  UGGG!  It was interesting to see the AP's cringe and back away from eating a fish while several of the sister missionaries tried it.

Almond strips & fish - Product

Friday, 4 January 2019

The elevators were not working and we climbed four flights of stairs.  We do it all the time for exercise going up and down the stairs.  What was surprising was to see Craig White packing a huge plastic box of new computers.  He was sweating and had to sit down.  I quickly gave him a bottle of water.  He carried the computers from the basement.  I was worried he was going to have a heart attack.  Elder Ernstom got the first new computer installed and my desk got the other one. Everything that could go wrong installing the computers did.  Craig can usually change out 5 computers in one day but he didn't have all the right components to finish the project.   Craig said he hasn't had this much problems installing computers for a long time.

We were late getting home from the office.  7:30 pm is a bit late working in the office but at least we were able to accomplish the end of the year reports.   We got word that the t-shirts were ready to pick up at the London Temple.

Saturday, 5 January 2019

Bullocks, Ernstroms, and we (Wallace's) set off with Beatrice, the name of the van given by the Checketts, and went to the London Temple.  We were picking up the T-shirts for the celebration on Monday beside pass along cards for the Visitor Centre.  Accommodations found our two pillows we left at Christmas and we collected them.  I was able to buy pictures of Christ and his life for the bulletin board in Primary.  Our main goal was to attend the temple besides I was not able to go at Christmas when the mission gathered for Christmas.  We also had heard that there were some changes that had taken place.

Stopped at Costco and ate dinner and shopped for the celebration on Monday.  Costco All Beef Hot Dogs, chips, chili, cheese and other goodies.   The van was full to the brim with 250 shirts, pass along cards, and food.  We were even able to get the Ernstoms and Bullocks back into the van.  I should of taken a picture.  We could not of fit another thing in the van.

We had a wonderful day and enjoyed the changes at the temple.

We had to be the first to try on the t-shirt!
Sister Ernstorm, Wallace, and Bullock.
We haven't had time to put away Christmas.
