Sunday-Thursday, 20-24 January 2019

Sunday, 20 January 2019

I was up early working on Primary.  I went to the office to print off pictures to songs and laminate them.  Primary went much better when I have visual aides.  I tied a balloon on a string and as the kids sang better or louder I would raise the balloon higher.  Tina, the Primary President came and helped with the balloon.  She kept raising it all the way to the top and then back down again.  We also divided the junior and senior Primary which went over much better.  There is two brothers ages 3 & 4 years old that are out of control especially now that his brother is in Primary.  It is Bishop Freestone's boys and Bishop Freestone plays piano for Primary.  Not sure how to help. Give it some prayer.  There were moments that I felt the spirit so strong and the children getting the concept that Jesus was once a little child and how we follow Christ through song.

We went to visit Blaine Statham, a man from the US that had an accident at a trampoline park and broke both his bone in one leg.  He has two plates and has to be off of it for 3 months.  His mother wrote us and wanted us to visit him.  We took him some caramel popcorn that Sister Bullock had made, a box of chocolates that Sister Gorgas had given us, and a book on Winston Churchill. When I realized that he was a lawyer I knew he would have the time to read an eight hundred page book.  He appreciated the visit and was with a very pretty woman from Poland originally and working in London as a Life Coach with her 7 year old daughter.

We baked a turkey roast for dinner.  It was one of the first times that we didn't have anyone for dinner.  We should have with all the dirty dishes for only two people.  It was strange to sit across from the dinner table and visit with one another.

We did go back to the office to change the transfer board and returned home to read and study 'Come, Follow Me'.  Sweet! 

Three missionaries, Elder Hogg from Scotland, Campini from Italy, and Shonemeier from Germany stayed the night. They stayed with us because their companions had been called as the new Assistant to the President (AP's).

Monday, 21 January 2019

Sister Checketts feed breakfast to our three visitors.  Thank goodness because Elder Wallace and I went grocery shopping at 7 am for the departing missionary dinner.  We have 8 missionaries going home.

We served roast, mash potatoes, gravy carrots, peas, rolls, and trifle.  I have become an expert on the departing dinners.  We attended the testimony night after dinner with the departing missionaries.  It was special night with everyone testifying and baring testimony.  The Lord blessed us with love and joy. 

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Sister Jeong, Sister and Elder Wallace
We stayed with Sister Jeong until she went
past security.  She is a brilliant young woman.
Airport run to pick up Sister Zimmerman, Sister Berger which both are from Idaho and will be serving as Visitor Centre as VC missionaries.  Sister Balsco from Brazil. Elder and Sister Cook, Directory of the Visitor Centre went with us to pick up the sisters arriving at different terminals at Heathrow.  We picked up the Cooks at 6:50 am.  They were ready for us when we drove up. Elder Wallace parked in Terminal 3 and the Cook's waited for their two sisters and we took a train to Terminal 5 to pick up Sister Blasco from Brazil. 

We arrived back with the sister missionaries and another busy day of transfers!!!  We were surprised to hear President Checkett's tell all the missionaries on the conference call on Sunday night that Wednesday there will be a devotional for a half hour and lunch after.  We ordered and prepared food for 100 missionaries and served 126 subway
We had snow today!
sandwiches, crisps, peelers, cookies.  The Lord always provides enough food for the mass.  Elder Wallace and I left at 1:30 pm to take Sister Jeong from South Korea to the airport.  We also had Sister Dransfield go with us.  Afterwards we took a detour to Costco for Sister Dransfield-always ready to help a fellow missionary!!!   Sister Dransfield need gifts for embassy's and we need a few things also.  We did stop and get a jacket potato with bacon and chicken on it.  I didn't have lunch because I didn't think there was going to be enough sandwiches.

Today is the first day we have seen snow.

Three amigos stayed the night again. We really do run a B&B!

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Today the three amigos left.  We fixed them breakfast and they were off.  We left for the office before they left and came home to the missionaries had done the dishes and removed their things.  The second bedroom needed a bit more tidying.  We had a staff meeting to go over details of zone conference next week and MLC.  Three days of cooking, cleaning, setting up, and tearing down.  I want you to know that we are very blessed to be here even if it sounds like lots of work. We were able to end staff mtg by 5:30 pm so we could go to our dinner appointment at the Baums.  A night out without cooking is a treat no matter what we eat.  Sister Baum served a wonderful green salad with thousand island dressing which was wonderful.  And then the pizza arrived.  Yummm!  We cleared the table and played Five Crowns which Elder Wallace took the prize of winning! 

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Our doorbell rang at 7 am.  Elder Johnson and Elder Fletcher wanted to shower at our place.  We asked that they return in 15 minutes.  We were awake but not out of bed yet.  We were super fast taking showers and getting ready. The missionaries came back and took advantage of our amenities.  Long story but to make it short-the Zone Leaders had water damage and the Johnson and Fletcher had arrived early to play basketball and then learned the missionaries didn't have a place to shower and dress. 

Today is my brother, David's birthday.  He is one year, one month and one day older than me.  Hope he has a wonderful day and wishing a wonderful birthday of hugs, kisses, and phone calls from the family.

 Elder Wallace drove a car to Colchester for some body repairs.  Left at 9:30 am and returned at 2:30 pm.  Elder Ernstom drove to Portsmouth to deliver a new car to the Rowley's.  He left a little after 10 am and returned just a few minutes after Elder Wallace.  I was able to write and print Leadership Assignment letters and newly baptized member letters ready for President Checkett's to sign before he has surgery tomorrow.

Sister Training Leaders, Sister Oliveira and Sister Brum came for dinner. Sister Brum was transfe  rred two days ago. The sisters brought such a sweet spirit with them.  They are both from Brazil and told us about putting someone on date for baptism.  They were talking to someone at the Visitor Centre when they turned around and met a family from Brazil who live in London.  The family wanted the sister to come to their house and visit.  They could not believe it.  Brazilians just don't invite strangers into their house.  They felt like it was a miracle to be able to teach a family.  They gave a wonderful message about Christ and challenged us to testify to someone each day.


  1. Great job! I had a hard time seeing the "snow," however... The northeast is having a massive storm which is dropping temperatures to record lows: -26 ! Schools and businesses are closing in advance of the blizzard! This global warming is killing us!


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