Wednesday-Friday, 5-7 December 2018

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

7 am is the best time to do grocery shopping at Tesco.

MLC - spent the day cooking with the Bullocks, Phillips, and Ernstroms.  We served Swedish meatballs, mashed potatoes, carrots, peas, rolls, and sticky toffee for dessert. 

First Christmas card from Melissa Moon.  Thank you!

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Elder Wallace has a cold but still went to work.  He went to Wembley to look at a flat for missionaries.  He got to go past the famous Wembley Stadium.

Elder Ernstrom's tooth removal was a success.

Sister Gorgas brought us all a gift of a box of Lindt chocolate to each member of the office.  I was tasting the chocolate and finally gave it to the missionaries.  Sister Gorgas worked with Elder Wallace on files which was very helpful to his peace of mind.  I made them take the files into the High Council room while I answered phone and could be honest when someone called they were out of the office.

I am keeping track of all the missionaries that get gifts from home so we can make sure each missionary has at least one gift for Christmas.  Lots of packages delivered.  Ate dinner and went back to work and emailed parents to see if they were sending money or gifts to their missionaries.

Friday, 7 December 2018

Woke at 3:30 am and couldn't go to sleep with all the things that need to be done.  I spent the time looking for temple recommend holders for the missionaries and found Greg Hawkins Co. that can do them for me.  I sent him an email.  Everything we have tried to do has not come through as gifts for missionaries.  Sister Checketts has ordered some Christmas tree ornaments that we will hang on the tree and missionaries can take one after dinner.

Can you believe that it is December already.  I feel like I am on a fast moving train that keeps getting faster and faster.  We wake up enthused for the day and lay ourselves down at night how quickly the day passed.  At least we have a small recording of the days activities.


  1. But it does make the time pass quickly! On my first mission to France, I was sent out in November and didn't get any presents for Christmas. It was probably the only time I was sad or homesick. After that, my parents remembered to send me things. Not much, but it was still nice.


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