Tuesday-Wednesday, 11-12 December 2018

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Transfers!!!  That's all I need to say!  We are excited to see new missionaries and their joy and excitement to serve the Lord. 

Sister Campbell in the middle.
Elder Wallace drove Elder Ernstom and myself to the airport to pick up Sister Snarr from Terminal 3 and Elder Maiar from Terminal 5 arriving at the same time.  The Elders left me to meet with Sister Snarr.  We were so happy to see one another.  She was hungry and we found a bite to eat and wait for Elder Wallace, Ernstom and Maia to return to Terminal 3.  You could just feel the sweet spirit and excitement of Sister Snarr. 
Sister Snarr - We were able to take
a picture at the office.

Lunch was from Subway.  Thank you Sister Ernstrom for getting thins organized.  It was a different transfer in that we didn't have several of our missionaries arrive.  They will be arriving through the month. We had five sisters and 1 elder join our Helaman's Army.

Sister Cambell came to our mission while waiting for her visa to Jamaica and now is serving in our mission until her visa comes.  We met Sister Campbell and her mom a few weeks earlier.  What a joy to see here again.  I feel like they are my family now.  I love getting to know these brave and valiant sisters.

Sister Autmakul returned home from a
success mission.
We took Sister Autmakul on the train to Heathrow in the evening.  She is going back to Thailand and will be able to get a good job because of her English.  We are so happy not to have to drive to Gatwick. 
Two Christmas cards came today,  one from Sister Collinson and the other from the Doyles.  I put them in my purse and opened them on the way home from Heathow on the train to return home. We loved the Christmas cards and pictures.  Thank you so much.

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Arrived at the office at 7:45 am and worked on vacate notices for three flats. We had Staff meeting to work out the details of next week Zone Conference at the London Temple.  I am going to take a long winters nap after next week.

I walked a passport to the post office by myself.  Enjoyed being out and about.  We had leftovers for dinner which was delicious.

We got a  chance to talk to Dan and Julia on FaceTime.  He verbally said how I was feeling.  A bit homesick.  We are keeping so busy we don't have much time to think about home if we told the truth.


  1. We don't see how you can have time to think of anything! You're never standing still! What inspiration to call you to that mission.


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