Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Elder Wallace left at 6:30 am to drive a new car to the London Temple.  He met Elder Sanders and gave him the new car and Elder Sanders dropped him of at the Lingfield Train Station.

Fixed myself a smoothie, cleaned the kitchen and the bathrooms and did two loads of wash before leaving for the office.   Staff meeting at 11 am.

Sister Ernstrom scared the living daylights out of me in the girls bathroom.  We have a small window on the second door of the bathroom.  I had used the toilet and washed and dried my hands and watered the plant and was ready to leave when there was this face staring at me through the window of the door.  I let out a scream and jumped with fright (like when you see a mouse running across the floor).  Sister Ernstrom started laughing and said, "I didn't think I was that scarry!" I am still bursting out with laughter as I write the blog.  Sister Ernstom makes me laugh.  I love that petite Philippine woman who always mentions her dark skin.  It admire and love her dearly.

We did a Costco run with Elder and Sister Cook, the new director of the Visitor Center, and Sister  Checketts.   It was a great time to get to learn about President & Sister Cook, their 9 children and family. They talked about a daughter that has child with Prader Willi Syndrome.

We returned to the office work on a few more things.  Kim Arnold   We walked in our flat at 9:30 pm.  I was trying to write on the blog and started to fall asleep.
Kim Arnold 
