Sunday, 9 December 2018

Sunday, 9 December 2018

We have six missionaries, 4 Elders and 2 Sisters, in the Lea Valley ward which are humble and bold and had two more baptisms today before church.  Elder Wallace was asked to do the confirmation. Lea Valley Ward is mostly made up of newly baptized members.  After members join and do well in the gospel and financially leave to better themselves.  It was a joy to be a part of seeing two more disciples come into the water of baptism. 

We had the Stake President and his councilor at church today.  I could see a new family across the chapel.  Bishop Freestone got up and changed the Primary Presidency which needed to be done.  After the Sacrament, the time was turned over President Stephenson, the Stake President and put in a new bishopric.  They call Brother Barros, who lives on the edge of the ward and was attending the Portuguese ward to be the new bishop.  The past councilors were put in the new bishopric.  Brother Barros and his wife don't speak English well but you can feel of their strong spirits.  It was a special time to be in church. 

We served an early dinner to four sister missionaries which only two showed up.  We then all attended a Stake Christmas Devotional at Hyde Park.  We put into containers dinner and gave Sister Oliveira and Sister Andrade at the fireside.  We left early the fireside early to attend the Messiah at St. Mary Abbots Church in Kensington with Elder & Sister Dransfield.  It was their treat for taking them to Costco so many times and helping them with "Light the World - Giving Machine".  I have never heard all of the Messiah and it was played on instruments from that time period.  The choir did an amazing job and appreciated the Dransfield's gift. 

Elder and Sister Dransfield are the Public Relations in London.
They work many hours writing and meeting with embassies.
They are the ones that got the Giving Machine to Hyde Park.


  1. We've never sat through the entire Messiah, only the shortened versions that have been put on by our stake. I suspect it was pretty long!


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