Sunday, 25 November 2018

Sunday, 25 November 2018

Sabbath day!  Taylor, Emie Kate, and Emie, the girls from the BYU Study Abroad program, spoke in church today. They did a wonderful job.  Katrina was home sick with a cold and we didn't have a piano player, the Primary President didn't show up, and I was not as prepared as I should of  been.  Primary was a disaster.  Well, I need to prepare better.

We had dinner for Elder & Sister Christensen, Elder and Sister Bullock, and Dennis and ? Webb. They all three live in the same building.  We wanted to make moving easier for the Christensen's because we will be moving them at 8 am tomorrow.  We served the Famous English Dinner we always serve which is roast, gravy, mushrooms, potatoes, carrots, peas, and the delicious Sticky Toffee Pudding.  Everyone raved about the dessert.  I will take this recipe home and treat our friends with it.  Dennis Webb and his wife are not missionaries but members and past mission president.  Dennis' wife is going to school and he is supporting her.  She is getting her masters degree in Women of the Bible.  Yesterday, we located two boxes of Christmas dishes in the storage room at the church.  We decided we would start the Christmas season with festive set table.  Everyone loved the meal and the women cleaned up in the kitchen and got to know each other better.  Dennis Webb is the brother of a friend, Janine Neville that lived on the other end of Amber Lane in another ward. We haven't seen them in years. We will try to reconnect when we get home.

JOY!  to nourish the body with good friends.

Elder Wallace, Dennis & Webb, Lynn & Barbara Bullock,
Elder Christensen, and Sister Wallace.

Christmas dishes always makes a pretty table.
Bullocks talking to each other.
