Saturday-Sunday, 1-2 December 2018

Saturday, 1 December 2018

Can you believe that it is December already.  I feel like I am on a fast moving train that keeps getting faster and faster.  We wake up enthused for the day and lay ourselves down at night how quickly the day passed.  At least we have a small recording of the days activities.

We were trying to play catch up in the office today.  Elder Wallace worked on cars and meter readings while I worked on 'The Nativity Song' for Primary laminating pictures and words and worked on Sacrament Mtg. and Primary schedule of songs for the month.

We went with the Bullocks to The American Store and bought Tang and a can of A&W rootbeer and creme soda to give as White Elephant gifts at the FHE Senior Couple Christmas Party.  We also stopped at a Tesco Express to buy Kinder Eggs for the grandchildren.  I am feeling a bit sad that I haven't had time to think about gifts to send home.  I did find time to make chocolate chip cookies which was delicious.  It always helps to have a Bosh to make the cookies.  I did wrap the white elephant gifts.

Started a 24 hour fast at 9 pm with all the missionaries.  Every Saturday night at 9 pm there is conference call with all the missionaries which we participated.  We are loving the missionaries, President & Sister Checketts and our service in England.
Yummy cookies.  Elder Wallace took some over
to the Visitor Center to give to missionaries.

A newer Bosh than I have at home-works great.

Love my Christmas Sweater that was found in cleaning a flat!

Sunday, 2 December 2018

Lea Valley Ward had to new disciples join the church before church.  The spirit was strong and you could tell by the smile on Anna Maria how happy she was.  We have six wonderful Lea Valley missionaries that are being such great examples of Christ.  Our new members were confirmed in church. 

I conducted Primary while the girls from Study Abroad did music because the Presidency was gone.  Katrina was back and feeling much better.  Music makes all the difference in Primary. 

Started with a headache at church and got worse upon returning home.  I had planned on working on the blog, doing some family history, and Christmas cards.  We broke our fast at 6 pm,  took ibuprofen and went to bed the rest of the night.  I did wake up to talked to Tyler and Marjorie as they were traveling from California home.  I love technology and grateful for this invention. 

Sister Irish and me - bad hair day after walking int he rain.

Left to right: Elder Bleyl, Elder Diener, Anna Maria, Anthony,
Elder Peters and Elder Stein
