Monday, 10 December 2018

Monday, 10 December 2018

Shopping early in the morning at Tesco for dinner for the departing missionaries.  We had an early dinner at 4 pm because the Checketts had family and bought tickets to an event.  I love doing the transfer dinners because it is a small group.  We serve a traditional dinner and the AP's do the cleanup.  There was so much dessert leftover that I took the extra dessert over to the church and feed another 15 missionaries dessert.  I was so glad that we didn't have to throw away the dessert.  Everyone loved it.

We got to meet Sister Lebannon's parents and say good bye to all the departing missionaries. Many missionaries left thank you notes for taking such good care of them with the flats and food.  We do feel loved and needed in the mission. 

 I kissed Elder Wallace good bye as he took the departing missionaries to a hotel near the airport and arrived home at 9 pm exhausted and went to bed early.  I said hello to Elder Wallace when he came home and I made a comment that he hadn't been gone that long and next thing I realized that it was 5:30 am.  What a wonderful sleep.
