13-31 December 2018

I realize that I just published my notes for the month of December.  I will try and clean up and clarify our calendar.

Thursday, 13 December 2018

Elder Wallace left with Elder Ernstom at 5:45 am left Hyde Park with a van full of presents to play Santa Clause and deliver packages to senior couples for the missionaries.  Instead of staying in bed I ironed shirts so hubby had something to wear when he gets back from playing Santa.  I like to listen to something while I iron and found a program called 'The truth about mobile phones and wireless radiation'. by Dr. Devra Davis.  It makes me take a look at my tablets and mobile phone usage and the radiation associated with it.

Friday, 14 December 2018

Elder Wallace delivered Christmas packages to Oxford and Portsmouth.

I worked in the office addressing letters to newly baptized members.  AP's helped me organize packages into zones.

The Bullocks and we took the tube to go to Peckham and have dinner with the Christensens.  We were celebrating Sister Bullocks birthday.  I forgot all about it.  Sister Christensen gave us each a beautiful red sparkly bracelet.  Sister Christensen has had a bed and breakfast and knows how to cook delicious food.  Elder Christensen showed us the Slide show he put together for the Fellowship Centre.  They have spent hours working on getting it up and going.  They even traveled to Rome to see the program working there and in Greece. 

Saturday, 15 December 2018

Elder Wallace and Ernstom Ernstorm went to Romford while President Checketts went to Cambridge and St Albans to deliver Christmas mail and packages.  We have spent many hours sorting packages and mail for missionaries.  Luckily we had an extra space to store the packages. 

I worked  in office most of the day with Sister Ernstom while our husbands played Santa's helpers.

We had dinner and games at the Ernstroms with the Bullocks.

Sunday, 16 December 2018

Special Christmas Sacrament put together by Bishop Freestone before he was released.  Saturday I sent a email to the new bishop asking about the songs and programs.  He emailed back and wanted us to bare our testimonies.  As I was leading the music I could see that we had 20 minutes to speak.  I took about 5 minutes (I know - unbelievable!) and Elder Wallace gave a wonderful talk and sharing his testimony. 

Lea Valley Ward members have been so kind to us and showered us with cookies, prepared food, presents and cards.  I do love the people of the ward.  It is a mix of all cultures.  It is a colorful ward both in dress and people. 

Monday, 17 December 2018

Looking forward to a change of scenery and pace.  Spending the week at the London Temple will be amazing.  We worked in the office part of the day and set off with our list of groceries for Costco and Tesco.

We woke early and packed the van with all the items needed for serving dinner to hungry missionaries.

Tuesday-Friday, 18-21 December 2018

Woke early and finished last phase of the Raspberry Pretzel Salad.  Prepared for the day.  I was so glad to have a few hours in the morning to get things organized for the senior couples that were arriving at 9 am to help prepare for dinner.

Served dinner about 4 pm each afternoon though dinner was ready at 3:30 pm as requested.

Thursday night we played Skipbo with the Checketts and the AP's.

Friday night we packed the van with the help of senior couples and missionaries.  Bullocks came with us and and we stopped at Costco on the way home.  Bought M&M Peanuts because I was so hungry.

London Temple Welcome Centre and Christmas manger scene.
I had a chance on Friday to walk around the temple grounds.  Sweet to
be at the London Temple again.  I have missed it.  I took a picture of
the newborn baby, Christ and the resurrected Christ side by side.

Saturday, 22 December 2018

Played catch up with the office after being gone for teh week.  We also did the grocery shopping, and laundry.

Sunday, 23 December 2018

Elder Wallace's favorite Sunday English dinner.

Left to right: Elder & Sister Rowley, Sister & Elder Fawson,
Sister & Elder Ernstrom
1 hour of church today.  Sang Christmas carols and had two speakers that only took up half the time.  Bishop Barros second time to conduct.  He has been a councilor in the bishopric.  Very humble and gracious man.

Elder & Sister Rowley drove from Portsmouth to have Sunday dinner and stay the night.  The Fawsons and the Ernstroms joined us for dinner and a game of Five Crowns. Sister Rowley brought blueberry muffins and left them for us to eat through the week.

Monday, 24 December 2018

Christmas Eve - worked in the office part of the day and at 1 pm I went to help Sister Checketts in her flat prepare hot turkey sandwiches on croissants. It was Sister Rowley's birthday and we all sang her a Happy Birthday song. All the senior couples walked over to the Royal Albert Hall and participated in a Christmas Sing-a-long.  Amazing. 

We love our senior missionaries!
Elder and Sister Jackson's and
Sister Larson.

Sister Severson in red.  She and her husband are going to be
over the Mexico City Mission.  I would love to go on a
mission to Mexico! Sister Evans in green and the Fawson
next to Sister Evans.

Elder & Sister Ernstrom and Sister Gorgas
which we call Sister Gorgeous. 

Royal Albert Hall was a big treat for us.  Singing carols with almost 6000 people was brilliant!
It will be one of the highlights of living in London. 
Program of Christmas songs at
Royal Albert Hall

2 page of words to Christmas Music
We hurried home to have a Zoom Conference with my siblings.  Called Dan and realized they were having the call at 6 pm our time and not 7 pm.  We talked with Dan for a just a minute as he and Julia were going out for the evening.  Jeff sent me a link for another Zoom Conference.  I spent almost an hour visiting with them.  So good to be able to connect and learn about there families.  We were able to talk to girls and of the grandchildren for a few minutes also. 

Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Merry Christmas!  We awoke early to help make breakfast for 16 missionaries and 6 couples.
Sister Ernstrom and I pose with
our twiner sweaters.  I found them
while cleaning a flat.

The missionaries always sing the song, 'We'll Bring the World His Truth'
and afterwards sing, 'And thank you for the food'. 

Sister Chiang has a runny nose not a bloody nose.  She looks so funny with a tissue out her nose.  I just had to have a picture.

Had Elder Wallace open the only gift given between us - new PJ's from Sainsbury's.  We served pancakes with buttermilk syrup, hash browns, eggs, fruit drinks and fruit for all the missionaries who didn't have a place to go to.  The missionaries loved the breakfast.  We brought games to play with the missionaries but they wanted to do other things.  We arrived home in plenty of time to rest and nap while watching a Hallmark Christmas movie.  The Dransfields and the Bullocks arrive just after 3 pm.  We played a game of Skip O and served dinner.  Roast-beef dip sandwiches.   Afterwards we played a game of Five Crowns. Guests left at 9 pm and Elder Wallace was gracious enough to take the Dransfield's home. 

We were able to talk to our girls for a short time.  We had a delightful Christmas and so glad to take a day off and not worry about work at the office and food.

Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Worked in the office till just before six.

Came home for an egg sandwich for dinner and took off to the play' 42nd Street' at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane.  Just the two of us and we got great seats.  We loved the show and the precision and the costumes and the talent.  It was truly an amazing. We wished ourselves Merry Christmas and thought the show was brilliant.  Elder Wallace said it was the best play he has seen yet in London. 

Thursday, 27 December 2018

Another day at the office.  Elder Wallace is so kind to take senior couples to Costco.  We took the Fawsons and Sister Dransfield with us.

Friday, 28 December 2018

Elder Bullock and Elder Wallace left at 8:30 am to help a the missionaries in Wimbley move.  Elder Jergensen has had to help move to three new flats. 

I worked in the office.  We received Michelle package and she know that I love Garden City Toffee.  thank you so much  A taste of home and I love the ornament and sweet messages.

Elder Wallace arrived at the office at 12:30 pm and at 1:30 pm we loaded the van with a mattress, bed frame, sheets, blankets and can opener and drove back to Wimbley.  Traffic was heavier than usually and which made a half hour travel and an hour and a half.  Arrived back at the office around 5 pm and worked till 6:30 pm.

Elder Wallace had treated the elders to McDonald's and Elder Ernstrom brought back hamburgers for the office from McDonald's. 

Saturday, 29 December 2018

It is a blur to me on what we did today.  It shows that I should write daily.  I did go to the office and work while Clark did the grocery shopping. 

Sunday, 30 December 2018

Last Sunday of 3 hour block meetings.  I arrived a few minutes early to church to prepare the music for sacrament meeting.  I received a call from Laura Barros, the bishop's daughter that she did not fill confident enough to play the piano for sacrament meeting.  It all worked out when a new elder played the piano for us.  A tender mercy!  Also, Tina the new Primary president, turned Primary over to me.  The Lord blessed me in being prepared.  We talked about Testimonies and songs that went with them.  I felt that a small moment of time all the children were paying attending and listening to what I had to say. I wanted the children to be aware of next week and what will happen next week and about Fast and Testimony meeting.  I felt the blessing of the Lord helping to teach these concepts to the junior Primary.  We had three boys in the older Primary.  We learned the ASL sign language of Search, Ponder, and Pray.  How I wished Emily could of been with me to help.

I was so thrilled that I didn't have to cook dinner today.  It was a treat to have dinner at the Ernstoms with the Bullocks.  She wouldn't let me bring a thing.  Sister E served Kentucky Fried Chicken, fried rice, jello fruit salad a lettuce salad. 

Monday, 31 December 2018

The end of December and the end of the year 2018. Time just seems to fly by.  We could believe that 2019 will be here tomorrow.  Sister Ernstrom shared her fried rice with me while Elder Ernstorm and Elder Wallace traveled to Costco to purchase items for Wednesday Three Week Meeting and 3 new arriving missionaries. Elder Wallace and I worked in the office till 4:30 pm.  We and the Ernstroms walked over to the Bullock to which we had a tasty chicken dinner over rice.  We visited and ate and left at 6 pm go see 'Mary Poppins Return'.  It was delightful movie and much as I saw.  I fell asleep and Elder Wallace kept trying to wake me up.  He said I was snoring!  AHHHH!  I was happy that we attended Monday night special for only £5.  I will go see the movie again.  The slow moving show and music put me to sleep.  I woke and was ready to see the new year come in.  We came back to the Bullocks and played one game of Five Crowns and walked over to Hyde Park Chapel to see the fireworks.  It was amazing.  We have never seen such a display of fireworks before.  We had to do some talking to get Elder Fawson to go to the movies with us.  He was a good sport and liked the show.  Everyone teased me on sleeping in the show but I was wide awake for the new year.
Westfield Mall at Christmas.  The Vue was on the third floor
and as we exited the theatre we saw the most amazing lights
being projected on the floor. 

Ernstroms didn't want to take the chance of not getting into
Mary Poppins Return.  I took them this picture to show
how crowed it was at the theater. 

Sister Bullock, Dransfield, Wallace, & Fawson


  1. YEA! Your entries have been great reading! You've had a wonderful ending to the year! You are plenty young to get in a mission to Mexico! Thanks for these newsy entries! Love you. MK


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