Wednesday-Thursday, 14-15 November 2018

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

We got free tickets to 'Wicked' with 16 other missionaries from Sister Theed for the 2:30 pm show.  She works for the theater and at times able to give out free tickets.  Sister Fawson was my date since her husband stayed to take care of the Visitor Centre. We loved the show and felt a little guilty that Sister Ernstom stayed at the office.  I could not budge her to go so...I went.  I enjoyed it more than any other time.  I saw things I didn't remember.

I have taken President Nelson's challenge to read the Book of Mormon by Christmas.  I just finished 1 Nephi.  It is taking me a little longer to read as I mark the pages that talk about Christ.  It has brought new meaning and understanding of the love and charity the Lord has for us. 

Elder Wallace drove Sister Christensen and I to Tesco and then to Sainsbury hunting for poinsettias. Tesco had lots of poinsettias but nothing to catch the water.  We went to Sainsbury and was surprised to find the flowers in a gold or red pot for £5.  We hurried and bought 42 pots of poinsettias.  We helped take off the plastic that surrounds the flowers then said our goodbyes.  Tender mercy that we got all the flowers we needed. 

Sister Fawson and I are waiting for 'Wicked' to start.
We had great seats.  Clark and Elder Ernstrom sat
on the same row but at the other end of the theater.

We arrived back at the Hyde Park Chapel to
see the tree decorated.  This is just the start.
