Thursday, 15 November 2018

Thursday, 15 November 2018

It feels good to get caught up writing the blog.  We arrived at the office to see the outside and inside decorated with light and poinsettias.  We spent the day working at the office.  One of my duties is to take care of the mail.  This is a busy time because we ask parents to have the Christmas packages for their missionaries sent by the 15th of November.  I spent an hour labeling the packages with names and organizing the back room besides helping with passports, badges, baptisms and provisional drivers license.  I also got to talk to Sister Lewis from the US about her son's package.  She was relieved to know that it had arrived.  I had put it downstairs as a Christmas package and found the package.  UPS had given me the wrong tracking number and told them yesterday that I didn't have the box.  I called again to say we had found it..  Sister Lewis gave me the correct tracking #.  She was so grateful it was found.  She said that she should trust in the Lord more and that everything usually works out.  It was a tender moment.

Elder Wallace was very productive today also.  It's good when we can be in the office a full day.  We came home after 6 pm and had a great visit with Dad, Lynne, and Dee.  I didn't realize that Dad had skin cancer surgery again.  He keeps looking younger with the surgeries.  I told him it was like having a face lift.  Dad told us about his trip with Jeff.  I am glad that Dad is doing well and I appreciate and love Lynne for taking such good care of him.  We are sad that Paul is having back and feet problems and have been keeping him in our prayers.

We fixed a late dinner of fish & chips with a veggies and went for a long walk.  We walked to Whole Foods and bought four cans of pumpkin and four cans of canned milk.  We were going to ride the bus home but I wanted the exercise.  It is getting dark around 5 pm. We also got to talk to Emily, Kate, and waved at Claire.  Elder Wallace called back and Kelly Collinson was visiting with Emily.  So glad I had time to work on the blog.  I know I should read it again and correct the mistakes but I am tired and need to go to bed.  I will fix them tomorrow.


  1. We hadn't heard about Paul's back and feet problems. We haven't seen him at church for ages. We assume he is still working at Sheel's.


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