Sunday-Monday, 18-19 November 2018

Sunday, 18 November 2018

Phillip Belcher was baptized today in Lea Valley.  We left before 8 am to arrive for his baptism at 9 am.  Phillip was confirmed in Sacrament Mtg the next hour.  He reminds me of Malcolm Green and talks just like him.  We need to get to know him better.  Today was the Primary Presentation.  Hallie and Emie helped with the props to help the children with their sons and Katrina played for the piano for the program. Children are wonderful and the presentation went well.  Thank goodness for the BYU Study Abroad program that brings talented people to help the ward. 

For Sunday dinner, we prepared Pre-Christmas dinner that will be served to all the missionaries in December.  We invited Elder and Sister Baum, President and Sister Checketts, and Elder and Sister Phillips for dinner.  Sister Andrade and Oliveira called at 4:30 pm and said they had no food and wondered if they could come for dinner.   We love the sisters and knew we had plenty of food.  They gave me their take on the food.  The meal was gammon, yummy potatoes, green beans, rolls and sticky toffee pudding with a sauce.  The food was a big hit.  I did not care for the potatoes.  They do not have hash brown potatoes here.  I will take so much work to boil potatoes, grate and mix.  I am thinking about something else.  The sticky toffee pudding was a big hit!!! 

Monday, 19 November 2018

Spent the day in the office.  The Christmas mail is coming in and our storage room is being overtaken by boxes and bags especially from Amazon. A few tender mercies have occurred this past week.

  • I had a mother call about a package sent to her son that had medicine in it.  I had put the package downstairs thinking it would be a Christmas package.  The mother cried when I called her back and said I had found it.  It was a tender moment. 
  • I found a bag with clothes and treats and called the sister missionary about the bag.  She had been praying that the bag would be found.  She asked if there was any money in it.  I looked through the whole bag and couldn't find it.   Someone had brought the bag from America and had delivered it to someone in the Visitor Centre who brought the bag to the office.  The bag was sitting among other boxes and bags.  I was told about the bag and forgot all about it besides being placed in another area of the office.  She questioned me about the money the bag.    I started asking questions about the what the money was in.  I told her that I would look for it again.  I said a prayer to help find the money.  I went through everything carefully and didn't find the money.  I felt impressed to go to a desk and look and there was a zip-lock bag with mail inside.  When I was unloading the bag on the desk the money must of been under something and got left on the desk.  I shed a few tears of joy.  I quickly called the sister missionary and she cried also. Prayers are answered. The whole family and ward had been praying to have the bag show up.  I sent an email to the mother to let her know that what was lost had been found. 

We had an Elder McSweeny for two extra hours and he wanted a job.  Yes, I can use all the help I can get.  He helped organize 21 Day Challenge Cards and Baptism Calendars, counting and putting elastic around them and putting them a several drawers.  Elder McSweeny is leaving us and going to Russia to serve a mission.  He is from England but had visa problems and is in our mission until his visa comes.  He will leave at the next transfer to go to BYU MTC.

I just want to remember how much I love President and Sister Checketts.  They are brilliant and charity for all.  I really feel my contribution and worth working in the mission office. I love that we have staff meeting once a week.  It is helping to keep track of calendaring and other meetings that need coordination.  Today the Checketts told us about Tom Christofferson coming to visit them and speak to the missionaries on 22 Nov. Thanksgiving.  President Checketts talked to us about Tom Christofferson and his background.  Tom had been gay for 19 years and had returned to full activity in the church.  President Checketts was Tom's Stake President and one of the reasons for Tom coming back to church.  President wanted to serve lunch.  We opted for turkey sandwiches from Subway, chips, bottled water, cookies.  It will be simple and quick to pull together. 


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