Saturday, 3 November 2018

Saturday-Sunday, 3-4 November 2018

(song) Rise and shine and give God your glory, glory! That is exactly what happened at the office today when Elder Wallace saw the newly remodeled office with the filing cabinets from the old England London South Mission.  He was totally surprised and the best part he didn't have to move anything.  He wondered how we got it all down.  We worked at the office for a bit and then off to Costco and Tesco to buy Thanksgiving dinner for Zone Conference.  I wanted to make homemade dressing because the dressing is a bit different but time and money won out.  Just a note about the dressing-it comes in two small clear packages in a box similar to Stove Top Stuffing.  It is ground up into small tiny pieces.  The dressing is called Sage Dressing. All you do is mix boiling water with the stuffing and put it in the oven for a half hour and the box feeds 8 people.  It is .88 pence for a box and is very inexpensive.

Stake Conference Saturday Night meeting at 5 pm.  We had a general authority and the name is gone from my memory.  He is from Spain and has a soft and low voice but told some wonderful stories about researching his family line and miracles that took place.  We also heard from the Checketts, the President Stevenson, and a councilor.  It was a powerful meeting.  Afterward Bishop and Sister Freestone gave us their address and phone numbers so we could make it to dinner tomorrow.

Sunday, 4 November 2018

Stake Conference at 10 am and choir practice at 9 am. We were part of the choir and sang "Have I done any good in the World Today".  Elder Phillips, a senior missionary over Self-reliance led the music.  He brought meaning to the song as he had us sing the song in staccato, smooth, soft and loud.  It was very inspiring.

It was our first trip to a place called Bound Green. It took us a few minutes to orient ourselves after riding the Tube.  We walk for 10 minutes and arrived a place that was 105 years old.  It was individual houses but close together. The Freestones have two little boys named Gregory age 4  and Benjamin age 3.  They have the cutest English accents.  Sister Freestone is from Scotland and Bishop Freestone has dual citizenship from the USA and UK.  Dinner was delicious.  Steak Stew on biscuit.  Dessert was to die for - sticky pudding!  I asked for her recipe.  It would be a great dessert.  We had a nice time getting to know the Freestones and learn about their lives.  Bishop Freestone has been Bishop for 7 years and was made Bishop after 10 days of marriage.  Sister Freestone drove us the tube and we came home and crashed.
