Monday-Friday, 5-9 November 2018

Monday, 5 November 2018

We were up early to prepare for the day. (My dad calls it the 3 S's) I just want to make sure that I remember how we use to laugh when he would say it.  We were out the door by 6 am to shop at Tesco for the rest of the food for Zone Conference.
This real work is done in the kitchen at Zone Conference.
Left to right: Sister Bullock, Elder & Sister Sander, Sister & Elder Pearce
Sister Severson, Sister Wallace, Elder Bullock and my honey, Elder Wallace.
Elder Severson is taking the picture.
It was a wonderful day and everything went extremely good.  At Zone Conference, Thanksgiving dinner was served to the missionaries-turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potato souffle, stuffing, rolls, corn, green beans, apple pie and berry crumble and ice cream. We are having 3 days of Zone Conference and serving food to help celebrate Thanksgiving with many missionaries that have never heard of or had the food.  It took a bit of time to serve the food because we had to do portion control.  Elder & Sister Pearce and Elder and Sister Severson was their to help along with Elder & Sister Rowley who work in the VC.  They helped set the tables each day.  The Bullocks went to Costco for fresh pies and ice cream.  I gave out assignments and everyone completed them.  We served over 90 missionaries today.  What was a big surprise was not many came back for apple pie or Triple berry pie and ice cream.  Elder and Sister Sanders and Elder and Sister Jackson cleaned up.  The only sour note was when the cleanup crew threw away two pots of sweet potatoes that we were going to use the next day.

We went back to the office to work try and get some work done before the end of conference.  Because at the end of conference all the missionaries come to the office and get supplies, order badges, and talk to Elder Ernstom about money.

We had Staff Mtg starting at 6:30 pm and ended sometime after 8 pm.  Elder & Sister Christensen came into part of the meeting and told us that they were made directors of the Friendship Centre.  Something that the church has been doing in Italy and being very successful.  Part of the reason to meet with us was to talk about getting a flat and the time line.  Elder & Sister Cook, a couple from the UK will be the new directors of the Visitor Centre.  We were excited for them.

We arrived home and I went to bed and fell asleep by 8:30 pm

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Zone Conference again.  Repeat place, food but not helpers.  Elder & Sister Pearce committed to come help each day.  What a blessing!  Sister Pearce continued to help with sweet potato soffle and brought extra Instapots to help cook the sweet potatoes.  She even made a trip the day before to Costco.  Elder & Sister Bullock helped again also.  They didn't need to go to Costco because we had enough pies and ice cream. 
A table of Sister Missionaries.  Balancing spoons was a real treat!
Notice the plastic table clothes and square plates and green napkins!
We tried to make it nice for the dinner delicious and the cultural hall festive for Thanksgiving dinner.
Our cleanup crew was Elder & Sister Williams with the help of Elder & Sister Ernstom, Bullocks, Pearces and anyone we could find.  It was a joint effort.  The missionaries again loved the food and didn't eat as much dessert as we thought they would and had to cancel our order with of pies at Costco.   I had bought special square plates which held a bit more food than the round Styrofoam that we normally use. We feed over 70 people.

  After lunch President Checketts has a basketball shoot off.  I tried it today.  The missionaries were throwing the ball underhand to try and make the basket.  If you miss you're out.  Even the girls and senior missionaries shoot.  I made the first shot.  I was one of two sisters that made it.  Both of us  made our second shot.  It was so fun to hear the cheers from the missionaries.  Then we both missed our third shots.  I wanted to be the first senior to win the shoot off.  Maybe next time.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Zone Conference repeat! The Pearces and Bullocks helped again-bless them!  Elder & Sister Phillips and Elder & Sister Call had set and prep and Rowley's and Peck's cleanup.  How wonderful to have so much help.  I felt energized that the Lord blessed us and we feed over 70 people.
Last day of Thanksgiving dinner!  It was lots of fun with all of
my wonderful helpers.
Left to Right: Elder Call, Elder Phillips, Sister Call, Sister Pearce,
Sister Phillips and my sweetheart, Elder Wallace.
We made sure that the custodians and anyone else in the building got invited and ate Thanksgiving dinner.  They were so appreciative of all the work that went into the dinner.  I did make the first basket at the shoot off.  Clark did not fair well any of the days.

We took the Dransfields' to Costco in the evening.  We were shopping for dinner two nights.  We had a nice visit with the Dransfields.  The Dransfields are Public Affairs and will host the Christmas Vending Machines.  She is worried about all she has to do.   The only problem going to Costco at 6 pm was the traffic.  We did stop and have a bit to eat at Costco. We finally got home at 10:30 pm.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

We had a new sister from Brazil arrive.  We had the opportunity to pick up Sister Morias from Heathrow.  We had such a nice visit with her little limited English vocabulary.  She hugged me so tight when she had to leave. I thought she might cry. 
Elder & Ssiter Wallace with Sister Morias. She has a loving and kind
and willingness to share the gospel.
Dinner for 40 for the crew at 11 Day Remembrance.  We served Costco lasagna, Costco salad, and Costco rolls with apples and peelers (small oranges).  There was a left over apple pie that some of the crew got for dessert.  The crew was very generous with their comments of the food.  Sister Ernstrom come saved the day and helped with cleanup. Elder Ernstrom and Elder Wallace helped with garbage and cleaning the tables.

Friday, 9 November 2018

Dinner for 40 for the crew practicing for the Remembrance program.  This time the dinner was prepared dishes-chicken & rice, meatballs & pasta, rolls, carrot broccoli salad and thrice berry pie all from Costco.  I was anxious to go home for a long nights rest.


  1. So glad you are able to use Costco meals between the homemade menus!!!!! You may choose to give up your cooking after the mission! How wonderful to have so many senior couples, too !!! Keep up the good work...


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