Friday, 2 November 2018

Friday, 2 November 2018

I was up extra early (just before 5 pm) to iron Elder Wallace's shirts and clean the living room and kitchen.  I had to clear out the second bedroom which is the drying room for the laundry for our sisters before we went to the hospital  The sister missionaries were up and going by 6:30 am.  I told them they could sleep in but they didn't.   Elder Wallace went shopping at 6 am to buy breakfast.  He returned and had a bowl of cereal and left for the office.  It gave the sisters time to get ready for the day.  I feed them breakfast with eggs, toast, orange juice and bananas.  Sister Johnson had an egg and oj.  Her throat was stills sore and at 8:30 am the sister left to go back home.  They had district meeting and 3 appointments today. They wouldn't leave without doing the dishes and cleaning up.  I am so happy they stayed with us.

Elder Wallace cleaned out a flat in Haywards Heath.  The missionaries have been their a long time.  Elder and Sister Peck and two elders helped clean out the flat. Besides the cleaning of the flat and running to the rubbish two times, Elder Wallace picked up pass along cards in East Grinstead, meet Elder & Sister Jackson and gave them two mattresses for the sisters in their zone, and picked up two shelving units from the closed England London South Mission.

As soon as Elder Wallace left, the Ernstoms and I talked about organizing the office.  Elder Ernstom was on it fast and returned with the dolly to move files and get things moving.  We had elders walking into the office at the right time to help move file cabinets, fridge, a table and cabinets.  Elder Ernstom left to go driving while Sister Ernstrom and I organized the office.  Sister Ernstrom organized all the files.  She wanted them a certain way and I didn't want to stop her.  She experimented with several ideas before she found how she wanted them.  She did a great job.

The Bullocks invited the Ernstrom and us for dinner and Five Crowns.  We had such a great time and dinner was yummy.  They served Chicken & Rice dinner with fresh green beans wrapped with bacon and cooked and a delicious jello and whipping cream salad. Lemon GU was dessert.  Elder Wallace arrived late for dinner and I was so happy to see him.  He had been gone since 9:30 am and arrived at the Bullock's at 7 pm. He was so hungry and tired. He got all the things done he needed to.

 I have to tell you that Elder Ernstrom is witty and funny.  He had us laughing so hard we were crying.   It all started with the Bullocks ducks in the window ledge and Sister Ernstrom telling us the story behind ducks...the rest of the story needs to be told in person.  Just wanted to remember this night!!!
The Bullocks, Wallace and Ernstrom leaving to go home after
an evening of fun and delicious food.
Notice the person in the mirror taking the picture!

I love this couple - Brian and Rose Ernstrom.
Rose looks like a artist.

Barbara Bullock is one of my favorite friends and a
BIG help in the kitchen feeding missionaries.


  1. I would love to go to this restaurant!

  2. I love clicking into a new blog from you. This week I was pleasantly surprised three times!!!
    These sound more stress-free and carefree!!! You look cute in the photo with Sister Bullock.


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