31 October 2018

31 October 2018

Happy Halloween!!!  It turned out more frightening than I thought.

We were up early to travel to Heathrow and met the two new sister missionaries, Sister Souza and Sister Areosa from Brazil.  They are darling missionaries and will be a wonderful addition to our Helaman's Army! We stopped at Tesco on the way to the office to pick up food for lunch.  We served chicken salad sandwiches with the leftovers from Monday's MLC.  Sister Ernstrom finished preparing the food for lunch while I went with Brother Theed for my driving test.  Well---the test did not work out in my behalf.  Everything that could go wrong did!!!  Scared to Death might be the  At first, the instructor asked me to pull into a parking lot on the left and pull into a stall, which I did but pulled out the wrong direction.  I thought I had failed the test already.  He had me pull up the curb and I hit the curb and the other two times he asked me to pull over.  But the biggest of mistakes was thinking I was in a round about when in reality it was a three way junction.  I pulled out in front of a car which was very patient with me since I had the big letter L on the front and back of car for LEARNER.  Well - I felt relieved that the test was over but I still had to drive in London traffic to get home.  Brother Theed and I left at 12:30 pm and arrive home at 5 pm.  Retract what I just said...we came home from the office and turned on a Christmas Hallmark Movie and feel asleep.  We were so tired from the day.

Elder Wallace took Elder Ernstrom out driving to find turkey breast for next weeks Zone Conferences.  We will be serving three days of Thanksgiving Dinner.  I am organizing the senior missionaries with assignments.  They brought back black licorice and Red Vine licorice. Black is my downfall.


  1. Memorable Halloween!!! Ours was very different from your stressful one, Ellen. We had a wonderful Zone Conference with a lunch prepared for us by a Draper stake (from 10-3) then an endowment session at the Draper Temple (from 5-8). The entire mission was divided up between the three temples. Wasn't that a wise idea?!

    Son John went to the ER today (Friday) and is staying in the hospital overnight. He just wasn't feeling good -- he had gone back to work Monday.


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