Wednesday-Thursday, 19-20 September 2018

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

I didn't sleep much of the night.  Kept working through my brain how to make things better next time for transfers.  I only have 4 more times to get it right.

We took Sister Muhlmann to Heathrow Airport.  She is leaving to go home to Germany.  She has been out about 16 months and has not felt well at least half of her mission.  We picked her up at the Sisters in Earl's Court at 6:40 am.  We got to learn a lot about Sister Muhlmann.  She is 25 and has been a nanny for 2 years in America.  She wants to do the Pathway Program when she gets home.  I hope they can find out what is causing her dizzy spells and headaches. 

Traveling to the airport was fast and quick but traveling home was a different story.  It took us over an 1 1/2 hours to get home.  The worst part is right by Hyde Park Chapel.  One of the main roads off of Princess Gate or Exhibition Road was being paved and the road was closed.  The Rees spent the day in their flat packing while we were on our own at the office.  I did letters for those missionaries that got new assignments.  Just waiting for signature for the president.  Elder Wallace was gone most of the morning moving a set of missionaries.  Our days of fun working and traveling together on flats is over.  Elder Wallace is on his own with a little help from me. Elder Ernstrom bought steak, cheese and onion sandwiches.  Very tasty. 

Emily and Steve went sightseeing and shopping.  They arrived back at the office about 4 pm ready to head for home. They went shopping and bought sausage wrapped in bacon and orange juice and apple juice.  We were so glad to get home by 6 pm.  We ate dinner and played 5 crowns while listening to the movie "The Greatest Showman".  We spent time discussing ideas of how Steve & Emily want to change the kitchen. They will start working on ordering the cupboards and getting  everything set up.  It looks like S&E will be living next door for a long time.  They have settled in and plan on staying for awhile.  Of course, I am excited to have them next door.  Emily said she is prepared to take care of us in our old age besides Steven's parents.  WOW!!! Are we getting old? It is comforting to know someone is ready and willing to help when we really reach the golden years.  We hope we won't need her services for a very long time.

S&E packed while we called Dennis and Mary Kaye to check up on Bishop John!

It was late when we said good night to S&E.  I feel asleep in no time.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

I woke wondering what time it was when the alarm went off.  I did not move at all during the night.  I slept sound and hard and refreshed!!!

We jumped out of bed and readied ourselves for the day.  S&E were doing the same.  We ate a quick breakfast of bran cereal and bananas and raisins, bcause the homemade granola was gone.  Will make some more this weekend.  Elder Wallace walked over and picked up the van and drove it back to our flat.  We picked up the Rees on our way Heathrow.  They were flying out at 10 am like S&E.  The Rees were leaving for Finland before they return home from their mission.  We were able to get a load of whites washing before we left to the airport.  It was hard having S&E go.  I was anxious for Emily to get back to her little family and we will miss them.  It has been so fun having them come to visit us and see England. 

I redid the missionary letters from yesterday and did a better job being fresher and thinking clearer.  I also moved to Sister Rees desk.  Sister Ernstrom asked me to do the mail since she is doing the calendaring for the President.  Happy to help and learn her system.  Sister Rees has many great ideas and she is willing to train me to be better organized and quicker.  She amazes me.  Elder Wallace and I went home for a late lunch and changed out the laundry.  We received a phone call from Sister Baum who invited us over for dinner.  It was such a blessing tonight to not have to worry about dinner.  We went over and enjoyed a fish, potatoes, peas, green salad, roll, and ice cream.  I didn't even have to do the dishes.  Afterwards I went back to the office to input baptism into the computer.  I needed that alone time to catch up and Elder Wallace went shopping for lunch tomorrow.  We have two senior couples coming tomorrow.  The Calls and Heilniers.(?)  It 10 pm and we haven't heard if S&E made it home.
