Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Elder Wallace left home at 6:30 am to Maidstone to move and clean a flat.  He wanted to beat the traffic besides being a two hour drive.  He had three faithful and hardworking missionaries to help and the flat was emptied and cleaned in not time.  Elder arrived home before 3 pm.  I arrived at Hyde Park at 8 am to find the elevator not working.  I got my exercise by walking up and down four floors of stairs first thing in the morning.

Day Two of Zone Conferences and pizza, salad, and cookies. I reminds me of Ground Hog Day.  Same things happening but doing them a little bit different.  The luncheon went well.    Sister Ernstrom and I were all alone again in the kitchen until two sister missionaries came in asking for service.  We really appreciated their help.  We got the system down right today.  The tables were set and the food was ready when the missionaries came out of their meeting.  Yesterday we had to make the missionaries wait a few minutes to finish setting up.  Yesterday Sister Checketts asked us if we change have Subway instead of Dominoes pizza every other time.  Today she asked if we could do a variety of meals for the missionaries.  It can be done as we did it in the London South Mission.  Sister Checketts' announced to the missionaries at lunch that we would be having different meals.  The Checketts are movers and shakers. I thought we would be having a bit more discussion about it.  I have been thinking the rest of the day different meals and how to have the senior couples help. 

I didn't get much done at the office today except work on the food and the mail.  What fun I will have at Christmas with the mail. We arrived home after 7 pm and had a light dinner of crunch peanut butter and jam.  I cooked up some veggies for me.  We heard from the Rees at 7:30 pm that they were at Heathrow coming back to their flat.  It was a little after 10 pm when Elder Wallace went to help the Rees to Victoria Station.  I was glad that I didn't go.  They took the President's car and I would not have been able to go with all the luggage.  Elder didn't arrive home till after midnight.  Well - we have a new flat to move into.  It is bitter sweet to see the Rees go.  They have done a wonderful service in the office.


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