Tuesday-Saturday, 28-31 August 2018

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

We love to watch the swans, ducks,
and other birds at Hyde Park 
We had new missionaries arrived.  I drove to Sainsbury grocery store and bought peelers and grapes for lunch.  I cannot follow instructions very well.  It took a few wrong turns but I made it to Sainsbury, well to be fair it took me an extra half hour. Subway sandwiches and cookies and chips were the main part of the lunch.  I had to post a letter for a missionary for his drivers license.  When we post a letter we have to do it registered mail and get a signature because we send passports.  The cost is £6.50 a letter. ($8.40) Elder Wallace took Elder & Sister Evans to the Heathrow Airport.  We didn't see him for awhile because of the traffic.  We did save him lunch.  We weren't interested in dinner after a late lunch so we took stroll around Hyde Park.  Elder Wallace made granola while I worked on taking two driving tests.  Thank you again Nanette for the coconut.  It just makes the granola!

Sister Ernstrom and I decided to buy the tickets to "The Play That Went Wrong" today so we knew we had them.  I bought 14 tickets and realized only 12 needed tickets.  Elder Wallace told me about another couple that didn't want tickets after the fact.  I always seem to get in these types of jams.  I knew it would turn out fine.

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

I looked forward today for a month.  Elder and Sister Pearce and we had planned to go to play and dinner.  We decided to invite all the senior missionaries.  We meet at Hyde Park at 4:30 pm and as you know it was like hurding cats.  We took the undergound to Covent Gardens and ate at the Shake Shack and walked over to the play 'The Play That Went Wrong'. I was still a bit nervous because I need to sell 4 tickets.  I was able to sell two and Elder & Sister Dransfield went to the play.  They did leave at the break.  They had seen the play two times in New York.  Elder Wallace looked at some new flats and met us at the Shake Shack in Covent Gardens.  The shakes were the best I have tasted.  We were able to find tables and visit with the couples.  We had so much fun and want to do it again. Just a little bit about the play - anything and everything went wrong with the play.  We laughed and enjoyed the play that was pure delight.
Elder & Sister Ernstrom in front and Elder & Sister Wells
across from Elder Wallace. 

Elder & Sister Dransfield in front and
Elder & Sister Bullock.  Our newest missionaries to join our team. 

Elder & Sister Pearce in front, Elder & Sister Severson,
and Elder & Sister Christensen.

Thursday, 30 August 2018

We received another two new missionaries today.  I drove again to Sainsbury by myself and found the way to go. Sainsbury is tricky because you can't do a right turn into it.  You have to turn a few blocks before and make a few turns to go straight into the parking plaza.  We also had 3 Week Meeting for all the new missionaries that arrived three weeks ago.  The place was a buzz with missionaries all around and feeding them.  Subways, cookies, crisps (potato chips), peelers (small oranges) apples, and cookies.  It just work and timing for lunch.  Sister Gorgas comes in on Thursdays to work at the office.  She used my desk today.  I tried to find things to do to work around her.  Sister Gorgas had told us this story about when she had a baby she would go to Harrods and buy a little something to eat to get a Harrods bag. She admitted to being a snob about bags. I got her a plastic Harrods and learned that Sister Ernstrom had bought her a woven shopping bag with Harrods on it.  She wrote me a very nice thank you.  We won't see her for another three weeks.  The London Temple is closing on Friday and she is taking two weeks to visit family.  Elder Wallace took the day and delivered and picked up mattresses. 

Friday, 31 August 2018

The office was quiet!!! The Checketts, Rees, and Elder Wallace and all parting missionaries went to the London Temple for the day.  They left at 9:30 am and had lunch at 11:30 am.  They did a session and sealing and dinner at the Peacock Lounge.  Elder Wallace found out that the lodge was closing and so was our place of possibly feeding the missionaries for £5.  Elder Ernstom took Elder Jergensen and companion to the doctors.  He hurt his knee on Monday.  I made sure that he got crutches,  He could not bend or put any pressure on his knee.  I even tried wrapping it to give it some support.  It helped the swelling go down.  We were a bit upset with the doctor.  He didn't xray the knew or nothing and said to wait a few more days to see if it gets better.  Elder & Sister Rees drove Elder Jergensen back to Gravesend so he didn't have to walk.  He will see another doctor next week.  Something interesting was Elder Jergensen's dad was at Hyde Park Chapel yesterday while Elder Jergensen was upstairs.  President Checketts did not want his dad to visit his son.  He was told about his knee and the doctor visits.  The missionaries returned at 7:30 pm and I went home right at 5 pm and did laundry and took a nice long hot bath.
