Tuesday, 4 Septmeber 2018

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

I drove to Costco with Sister Rees.  She is so happy and excited when anything good happens to people.  We have a fun time when we go to Costco.  We always get a hot dog and a drink.  We bought food for MLC on Wednesday.  We are having Taco Salad with Magnum ice cream bars. The Maddens came to the mission office and met the staff.  They went to the flat.  We picked them up at 3 PM to go to the Harry Potter Studios.  What fun we had looking at all the things that made Harry Potter famous and fun.  We had a late dinner at the studios which consisted of sharing a sandwich and drink.  We bought one butter-beer for all to taste-a like ginger-ale with whipping cream on top.  We had such a wonderful time with the Maddens and so glad that they invited us to go.
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Famous chest set

Instead of a bedroom for Harry Potter we have a
half bathroom at our flat.
