Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

As we were walking home from helping the AP's (President Checkett's assistance) with their fridge, I decided to write the blog for today and catch up on the past week a day at a time. 

It has been a crazy day with transfers and receiving new missionaries.  We had 6 new missionaries and last night said goodbye to 8 missionaries.  Two missionaries were waiting for parents and a sister missionary will go home tomorrow.  Sister Rees has almost turned over her job to me.  Today was the first time running the show on our own.  I did miss a few things like water and putting out the crisps (potato chips) for the new missionaries at lunch.  I did do the passports, drivers license, and filing.  I did forget about updating the new missionaries with their companions on IMOS and updating the phone list.   Sister Rees gave me a talking to and I needed it.  I know she was pretty upset with me.  I am praying that I will remember all I have to do. Elder Wallace and I did help the VC sisters to their flat with luggage and a new/used mattress.  On the bright side, we did get to go to dinner with Steve and Emily at Fourbears.  We were happy to know that they had gluten free food.  Dinner was delicious and decided to go for homemade gelato ice cream.  Steve & Emily talked about their day of visiting the Tower of London and the river trip.  After dinner we rode the underground (tube) and we got off at South Kensingston while Steve and Emily rode to Victoria Station.  We said our goodbye and went back to the office to finish up on some work.  Afterwards we went to the AP's and helped clean out their fridge. Elder Wallace found that the breaker had been tripped and it started running. The fridge was so dirty but looked like new when we finished cleaning it.  The Elders couldn't believe how clean it was. We arrived home at 9 pm, did scripture study, prayers, talked with Marjorie and checked on Claire for Emily.  And I won't go to bed before I submit the blog.

And I need to wish my dearest friend, Mary Kaye Doyle, a very happy belated birthday on September 16th!  She told Emily to remind me to write in my blog.  So this is for you Mary Kaye.  Our prayers go with Bishop Doyle and hope he is improving. 


  1. Thank, Ellen! Happy you have a sliver of time with Emily & Steve.Keep up the good work!!!


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