Sunday, 9 September 2018

Sunday, 9 September 2018

We were up early putting the finishing touches on our talks for church.  We arrived early to church for the baptism and I lead the music.  I am the official chorister for Lea Valley Ward.  Princewill was baptized and then confirmed in Sacrament Mtg. It was wonderful to see a man from Nigeria becoming a member of the church in England.  It is a very humble man.  The ward had a Mingle Longer with dessert after every baptism at the end of church.  I was to bring cookies and grateful to have been given leftover blueberry muffins from the day before.  The muffins were from Costco.  I cut them into four pieces and the ward enjoyed them and the other sweets that were brought.

Elder Wallace gave a talk on Repentance while I talked about us as a couple and gave a talk on forgiveness.  The Lord blessed the meeting and we felt the sweet spirit.  The council from the bishopric told Elder Wallace that it is just what his daughter needed to hear.

I did have a short talk with the Bishop on music and he will send me a list of songs he can play on the piano for Sacrament Mtg.  I will in turn tell him which songs we will sing.  There is a young man of 10 that plays two of the songs for church.  It is a joint effort to have singing at church. The ward needs a choir.  Not sure if it possible.  Primary singing was a disaster.  My next job is to get a handle on the music for Primary.  Nicole, the primary president said she would help manage the music on the phone to play for the children.  And I forgot to go into the nursery and sing.  I will do that next week.

We are grateful for the Ernstoms for inviting us to dinner with the Hertz.  Sister Ernstorm always serves rice.  She says, "Dinner without rice is only a snack". She served a chicken and noodles on top of rice with asparagus and jello salad, the first since I have been here.  Here brother came over and brought a suitcase full of jello, noodles, and other goodies.
