Sunday, 2 September 2018

Sunday, 2 September 2018

Fast Sunday.  We got up and ready early for church so the Maddens could use the shower. We said our good byes while we went to church.  We enjoyed the brothers and sister that bore such sweet testimonies.  I am struggling with being the chorister in Primary with no one to play the piano.  I use my phone for the music but it isn't the same.

The Maddens attended the 11 am church at Hyde Park Chapel and did some sightseeing.  We did an English Dinner of roast, potatoes, gravy, carrots, and peas with rolls.  I made a trifle.  We invited the Baums to have dinner with us.  Elder Madden insisted on doing the dishes which I didn't object.  We invited the Baums to walk to Hyde Park with us but they had other things to do.  We took them to the Prince Albert Memorial.  Queen Victoria love her husban Prince Albert and commissioned this statute to be built in his honor.  They had 9 children. We spent time learning about the different statues and getting on Google and learning more about the statutes.  There are 169 statues of artists, poets, musicians around the base of the statute with four larger statues representing four different continents.

This is one of my favorite places to take company.

Prince Albert Memorial
