Saturday, 22 September 2018

Saturday-Sunday, 22-23 September 2018

Today was a busy day.  We hit the floor running and didn't stop.  We finished up laundry, cleaned the flat and did grocery shopping.  We went to Sainsbury so we could pick up two mattresses for the office at Argos which has a delivery store inside Sainsbury.  We have a lot of work at the office unfinished so we worked most of the day.  I spent the better part of the day organizing and doing charts and other things.  We finally left at 6 pm.  Sister Ernstrom was also there.  She works most Saturdays.  I don't know how she does it.  Elder Wallace prepared his lesson for Elders Quorum.  He was called to be the second councilor in the Elders Quorum a few weeks ago.  I finished up some projects and we retired to bed.  We were grateful to get some work done at the office and thankful for a bed and sleep.

Sunday, 23 September 2018

RAIN!  WIND!  MORE RAIN!  It is interesting that we don't have a car and walked 10 minutes to the tube station with it pouring.  It had started to rain on Saturday and we used two umbrellas from the office. These were not your small pack'em umbrellas but the big kind for singing in the rain.  I too the umbrella with red, yellow and blue panels.  I did feel like singing in the rain except when I almost fell from walking on a fallen leaf. 

We were up extra early to finish working on Primary songs and lessons.  Sacrament Mtg was wonderful.  The ward has five girls attending BYU with Study Abroad.  Katrina Anderson can play the piano.  She played in Sacrament Mtg while I lead the music.  It made such a difference with how the meeting flowed.  Katrina played for Primary also.  I am getting use to the children and they are getting use to me and having a piano made such a difference with music time.  Lea Valley Ward has three sets of missionaries.  Two of the missionaries gave talks and a sister missionary bore her testimony.  She is from Brazil and it was hard for her to express herself yet the spirit was strong.  Elder Connor is from Utah and is so laid back and trying to crack jokes and was impressed with his talk once he got going.  And Elder Deiner from Germany gave a wonderful talk on the last words of his favorite prophets.  Moroni taught the people to come unto Christ? 2 Nephi 33:11 And President Nelson asked the question: What would your life be like without the B of M?  We remembered his words from a few General Conferences ago. 

We returned home with clear skies and cooler temperatures. It takes us 5 hours on Sunday to attend church and travel time and we have the strength and the energy to do it.  We got to work preparing diner and setting the table.  Elder and Sister Ernstom came for dinner. Elder Wallace called all thekids in Utah and got to talk to our girls and some of the grandchildren.  I got a call from the AP's to come and log into my new computer 15 minutes before dinner. I ran part of the way to the office and realized how out of shape I am.  I had lost the password to Sister Rees computer but was able to do what the elders need on my old computer.  The elders were grateful I had come.   They had to email all the missionaries and senior missionaries about Zone Conference this week.  As I left the church building I met up with the Ernstroms and walked to our place dinner.  We served meat loaf, potatoes and carrots cooked in the InstaPot, rolls, and peas and for dessert the Ernstroms brought ice cream and donut holes.  Afterwards we play a couple of games of Five Crowns which Elder and Sister Ernstrom won.  Aren't we great hosts?  We were able to have plenty of time to read scriptures and talk about the 21 Day Reading of the Book of Mormon Challenge Europe is doing.  We are on day 17.  Life is good and the Lord has blessed us with each other and a fabulous extension of our family.  We love Him and are grateful to serve in England. 
