Saturday, 1 September 2018

Saturday, 1 September 2018

Thinking of our grandson
We were up early finish cleaning and preparing for the Maddens.  We went shopping at Tesco.  We took the opportunity to see the Natural History Museum across the street from Hyde Park Chapel.  We meet them at South Kensington Station and what a nice reunion.  As we were passing the Hyde Park Chapel the missionaries were singing.  We brought them home, dropped off their luggage and left to see Harrods.  We came home and had a green salad for dinner and played two games of Five Crowns and talked.  The Maddens told us all about their mission on Guernsey for three months.  They had six weeks left of their mission and the mission president sent them home early since they couldn't stay in Guernsey. They were fine with it since a daughter was going to have a little girl about the time they get home.
We walked through the Natural History Museum.  This is the oldest part of the building.
Reminded me of scenes from Harry Potter.

Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) Co-discoverer of Natural Selection
One Wallace learning about another Wallace

Maddens arrived!!!  It's Party Time!!!
I do like the selfie stick!
