Monday, 3 September 2018

Monday, 3 September 2018

We have been fasting and praying for Bishop John Doyle.  We call Emily daily to get an update.  Bishop Doyle can say that people around the world was praying for him.

Missionary work still continues while we have guests.  The Maddens had places that they wanted to do and see. They came by the office later in the afternoon and we gave them a key to the flat.  They wanted to rest before dinner.  Once a month we have FHE with the senior couples and a picture with President and Sister Checketts.  We also said farewell to Elder & Sister Rees and a hello to the two new couples, the Dransfield and the Bullocks. President and Sister Checketts gave a brilliant tribute to the Rees for all their help when they came to the mission.
