Friday-Sunday, 24-26 August 2018

Friday, 24 August 2018

We had a wonderful day with Jan & Stewart seeing the Churchill War Rooms, Buckingham Palace, lunch at Wagamomma's eating Chinese food' took a walk to Hyde Park and saw Prince Albert's Memorial.  We heated up the leftover Cottage Pie that I had frozen from Sunday's meal and then played two games of Five Crowns - Winners Jan and Clark.  Retired for the night.

Love the quote from Sir Alan Brooke

Reminded me of Grandma Turner who worked at a switch board.

Quote by Winston Churchill
"We are all worms, but I do believe that I am a glow-worm."
Very interesting of what Churchill thought of himself.

Picture of a young Churchill

One of the War Rooms.  Notice the different color of phone and the map on the wall.

Entrance into Churchill War Rooms

Lunch at Wagamomma

Love this quote!!!

Post cards to send from Churchill War Rooms

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We were able to see the horses and guard on

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Saturday, 25 August 2018

The fours of us were up and ready for the day by 8:30 am.  We attended a session in the London Temple and walked around the grounds.  The flowers were in full bloom and the lawns have greened up from the drought.  We dressed in our casual clothes at the old mission office and drove to see Birling Gap and Seven Sisters.  We stopped at a Aldi's a small German run grocery store.  We bought cookies, apples, drinks, danish rolls, and snickers to tide us over before dinner.  We had a chance to walk along the beach and see the English Channel with the cruise ships, sail boats, and turbine mills.  After the beach walk we hiked up to the lighthouse and past it and saw another lighthouse in the distance.  The weather was perfect!  Just enough sunshine and wind to keep you comfortable.  We spent a few minutes in the museum and visited with a volunteer who talked about the White Cliffs of Dover and what was there.  We need to visit Dover before we leave England.  We drove back to East Grinstead to have dinner at the Peacock Lodge. (Name changed from Fyre & Square since the last time we came there.) Stewart, Jan, and I ordered fish and chips.  Food not as good as it has been.  Clark won out with Yorkshire pudding, roast, veggies, and potatoes.

We stopped at the Bridgstocks to visit and introduce Stewart & Jan. We showed them our old flat and got to meet all three of the Bridgstock girls and Lesley and David.  So good to see the Bridgstocks.  I love them so much.

Sunday, 26 August 2018

Sad day for us!  Stewart & Jan left today to return home!  We were up a 5:45 am to shower and get ready for church.  Clark fixed breakfast-fried eggs, orange juice, lemon roll, and bananas for our family.  Stewart & Jan were so appreciative of Clark driving them to Heathrow.   I stayed back to finish getting ready for church.

Monday, 27 August 2018

Today was a very calm day with not much happening in the office.  It was a bank holiday and everything closes down except the grocery stores. We can't do much business when letting agencies and banks are off. We got up early to do our grocery shopping because we didn't know when the grocery stores would close.  I was able to work on a song for Primary and printed and laminated the pictures of the the song "My Heavenly Father Loves Me".  I also walked 10 minutes to a local handyman store and picked up fuses for a Bosh mixer and a bike lock with a chain for Primary to lock a cupboard that the children keep getting into.  Sister Rees and I were able to get the Bosh working.  It was a burnt out fuse in the cord.  I know my Bosh at home doesn't have a fuse at the ed of the cord.  Elder Wallace and Elder Rees left the office to clean out a flat.  The men returned about 1 pm and Elder Wallace and I were able to go home for lunch.  We fixed an egg salad sandwich and each had a half a sandwich with an apple.

We had the Ernstoms come over for dinner - frozen pizza and a salad - and they bought GÜ - a cheese cake dessert that is so YUMMY!  We played two games of Five Crowns and I won the first game and Elder Ernstorm won the second.  We talked about the office and what we can do to make things more efficient.  We will implement these things the start of October and when the new computers come.

Clark called Emily today to check on Bishop John Doyle.  He is now in ICU and has been in the hospital for over a week.  Stewart & Jan called and thank us for being such good hosts and then the phone died.  We could not make connection with them.  We loved having them come and miss them.  I loved getting to know Jan better after 45 years of being sister-in-laws.


  1. And Bishop John is doing much, much better. He is out of pain and his sense of humor has returned. I told a joke to one of the nurses and she said, "Oh, now I see where John gets his sense of humor!"

  2. we will be on guernsey island on a sunday in october 2018. I understand this is your mission? Are there church services on guernsey. when ? time? address? etc. don't know if the ferry gets in in time, but we would like to try. thanks
    --chris and robin from los angeles,


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