Sunday, 5 August 2018

Sunday, 5 August 2018

Its David and Peter's birthday.  David has been a blessing in our lives and very grateful for the relationship we have with him.

Sunday was a lovely hot day!!!  Church was joyous with all the testimonies.  We met with Bishop Freestone of the Lea Valley Ward that we attend.  He wanted to know what kind of callings we have had in the past and what we have been doing on our mission, and what we are comfortable in doing.  He will use us to teach on Sundays and help with music.  (Edie-piano would of come in handy in this ward!)  We will be teaching gospel doctrine, youth Sunday school, or anything else they need help with.  We were assigned to talk next Sunday but the Rees will speak.  I am fine with talking in a few weeks.

I read a WhatsUp message from Lesley Doughty.  She had an accident and I quickly called her to find out what happened.  Lesley said that she was taking some pillows downstairs and didn't turn on the light for some reason and she fell down the stairs.  She has pins and a plates in her ankle from  breaking the main two bones in her leg near her foot.  She has to stay off her foot for 8 weeks.   Lesley's doctor said it was a miracle she was still alive. I didn't have the heart to tell her about my fall down the stairs. We were alone for Sunday dinner.  We had a simple dinner with prepared lasagna and salad.  It is so hot you don't want to do anything.  We attended a organ recital at the Hyde Park Chapel by a 78 year old man from Logan, Utah.  Sister Ernstrom knows him from working at USU.  Afterwards we walked to a church near us to check it out.  We found out that it is a catholic church called The Brompton Oratory.  The building is a large neo-classical Roman Catholic church in Knightbridge, London down the street from the famous Harrods.   A few interesting things about the church is the way the building has many different areas to pray and have services.  There is many statutes and pictures of different saints around the room they pray to.  It was getting dark and the church appeared very cold and dark with candles burning in many of the areas of the church. It was very ornate and reminded you of what it must of looked like in the 1600-1800's.  Brompton Oratory is also called The Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 

We had time wonderful time visiting Emily and Marjorie and a few grand children before we went to sleep.  Did I tell you how hot the nights are.  We don't sleep with covers at all.  I am so glad we end our day reading the Book of Mormon and prayers.  Its a time to talk about what is really important in life.
