Sunday, 18 August 2018

Sunday, 18 August 2018

Stewart & Elder Evans
Notice the colorful plate of food!  Delicious!
Elder & Sister Evans and us. They will
be missed.  
Stewart & Jan went to Hyde Park Ward and did some sightseeing while Clark & I went to Lea Valley Ward.  I am now the official substitute chorister for Sacrament Meeting.  I lead the intermediate and closing song.  The sister who leads had been in the hospital and didn't want to over due it since she just got out of the hospital.  I also did sing-time for Primary for the first time.  I will be better prepared next week.  I didn't know what to expect.  There were under 12 children and some of those are visitors.  I played with Elijah's hands, a very bright and vivacious 5-6 year old to keep him quiet.  It seems he need that stimulation for him to focus.  Stewart & Jan returned at 4 pm to help with dinner.  We served an English Dinner for them.  We invited Elder and Sister Evans for dinner.  They are packing to leave the next day from their mission and they know Stewart & Jan.  We had a wonderful time and sent them home early to finish packing. After we cleaned up we played two games of Five Crowns.  We learned Jan could shuffle cards and that her mother worked at the Tropicana in Las Vegas. Jan said it in her genes.  Jan won the first game and Clark the second.
