Saturday, 17 (con't) August 2018

Saturday, 17 (con't) August 2018
Jan with background of war torn building
left as a remembrance of WWII.
This building is just down the street
from the Hyde Park Church.  We walk by
it several times a week.

Happy are we to be with Jan & Stewart!
We rode the tube to get to our destinations.
While Stewart & Jan toured the Tower of London
we went to Greenwich. 
The Shepherd 24-hour Gate Clock.
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, reckoned from midnight. At different times in the past, it has been calculated in different ways, including being calculated from noon; as a consequence, it cannot be used to specify a precise time unless a context is given.

The Shepherd 24-hour Gate Clock (above)
Lots of Bill's pubs!
Reminded me of Michelle-cooking
and baking delicious dishes.

Greenwich in the distance.
Greenwich is said Grenish.

Fun to visit Greenwich with

Two of our missionaries at work!!!

On our way home we heard the missionareis
singing outside of Hyde Park Church.
We met Stewart & Jan back at our place about 4 PM.

We had to have an ice cream after we had a delicious dinner
an Italian restaurant. (didn't get pictures)
Only two types of the ice cream - vanilla and green tea!
We opted for vanilla in a fish cone.
Wow!  That's a catch!
Fish Forms for waffles
Yummy ice cream and cone.  Tastes like a waffle.

Stewart - to full from dinner to buy any M&M's.
In the background are all sorts of M&M's.
Jan and I enjoyed the M&M's Store.

Before the play we stopped at the M&M Store which was wall to wall
 people buying all sorts of M&M things.

Stewart & Jan took us out to dinner and the play Les Miserable.  What a fantastic play. It was a very superb and moving play.  The costumes, stage design and the music and acting were divine. We will remember it for a long time.  Play started at 7:30 pm.  I had a coke to keep me awake and it did the trick.  We arrived home after 11:15 pm tired and happy.
Thank You Stewart & Jan for the wonderful evening.  


  1. We are so glad that your family members have been able to be part of your experience! Fun for them and fun for you! Love the pictures! I wish I'd been there for Les Miz!


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