Monday-Tuesday, 6-7 August 2018

Monday, 6 August 2018

We were up and out the door by 6:15 am shopping for food for a trifle.  President and Sister Checketts are had 24 missionaries departing and 9 new missionaries coming to the mission.  It is the Checketts first transfer and what a day.  I did 3 9x12 foil pans of trifle and one trifle in a trifle glass.   I spent most the morning in the office and at 2 pm I had 9 missionaries follow me home to help carry the trifle.  The weather was so hot and the trifle did not fair well with the heat.  The rest of the day was spent at the Checketts place helping to prepare food and serving dinner of roast, potatoes, carrots, peas and Yorkshire pudding.  It was very tasty. After dinner a testimony meeting was opened up to all the missionaries.  They talked about what they had learned on their mission and their testimonies.  The spirit was strong and sweet messages of faith, hope and testifying of their knowledge of Christ and the Book of Mormon were talked about.  It was a treat to have been invited to be there.  After the missionaries spoke President Checketts asked us and the Rees to bear our testimonies.  I went first and was impressed to talk about my mom and the love we had in our family and being taught the gospel by goodly parents.  President and Sister Checketts talked and we sang a closing song and we all knelt in prayed while President Checketts pronounced a blessing on the missionaries and prayed in their behalf.  Special!!! We made sure that all the missionaries had loaded the bus and said our goodbyes.  These 24 missionaries were very strong and talented and will be missed by the mission.  It is interesting how the new AP's are starting to take over and fulfill their assignments.  We arrived home after 10:15 pm.  We did get to talk to Stewart and Jan and are so excited they will be here in a little over a week.  

It has been a long day.  

Tuesday, 5 August 2018

The alarm was set of 5 am.  Elder Wallace met Elder Ernstrom at South Kensington Tube station and traveled to Heathrow to meet an incoming missionary named Elder Watts from Melbourne, Australia.  He was suppose to arrive at 7:15 am.  They waited till 8:30 am wondering where he was.  Elder Watts finally came out with no luggage.  It was on another flight.  The three muskateers finally made it home by noon.  The 9 arriving missionaries and their trainers were fed Subway sandwiches, cookies, chips and fruit.  So glad there was extras for a late lunch.  

I arrived at the office early this morning to work on baptisms.  It takes me a long time to input the information into the computer program.   I hope I will get faster the more I do them.  I finally gave up doing baptisms because of the things going on at the office with missionaries wanting badges and lunch needing to be setup.   At 5:10 pm I rushed to the post office to get a passport sent over night to a missionary.  I arrived just before closing and missed the overnight shipping.  I posted the letter to arrive on Thursday.  Its the best I could do.  We worked until 7 pm.  Was so glad to kick off my shoes and be home.  We got in our dress down clothes and went to Holland and Barrett a health food store and bought things to make granola.  Spent time writing on the blog.  Wish I had taken some pictures.  
