Monday-Thursday, 30 July - 2 August 2018

Monday, 30 July 2018

Elder and Sister Rees are starting to teach us the office work.  Elder Wallace could not sleep well thinking of all the flats and his new assignment.  I learned how to do baptisms reports and letters.  This coming week will be transfers and I will learn visas and passports and the transfer board.  We stopped at the Baums place and invited them for a left-over dinner.  She was in tears over her children and what is happening to them.  We realized that our children have agency and the best thing is to love them unconditionally like the Lord loves and cares for us.

We had the first staff meeting of the England London Mission today.  It was great to be able to meet with the Checketts and see how they work together.
Left to right: President & Sister Checketts, Sister and Elder Rees,
Elder and Sister 

We had a fun evening with the Baum and play a game of Five Crowns which Sister Baum won the overall game.  She has never won and made her evening.  Elder and Sister Baum are wonderful people.  She is petite, fun personality and a strong testimony.  Elder Baum is tall, light complexion, and starting to slow down and has a hard time hearing.  He was a colonel  in the army and has a gentle personality.

Tuesday, 31 July 2018

I drove Sister Checketts and Sister Rees to Costco in President Checketts car and I didn't have any problems except a few horns honking.  The car president's car, a Rav 4 SUV was bigger than I was use to driving.  But I did it!!!  Everything and everyone got home without any scrapes or scratches.  Sister Rees and I were buying food for MLC (chicken Haystaks)  and Sister Checketts needed food for a dinner she is doing for missionaries that are going home from their mission next Monday.  We had two carts full of groceries and I had to get a third cart for a few things.  I was worried that we couldn't fit the groceryies in the car.  We had the car packed with groceries.  After shopping, Sister Checketts treated us to a hot dog.  I love hot dogs with onions. This took most of my day.  We did de-bone 12 rotisserie chickens and got them ready for the next days meal with the help of Sister Evans and Elder Wallace.

Elder Rees & Elder Wallace spent part of the day looking at flats.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

MLC - We spent the day making chicken haystacks for the missionaries lunch.  I could not believe the help in the kitchen to make it happen.  The APs had already set up the tables in the cultural hall for MLC and preparing the videos when we all realized that we gave the Birmingham Mission the video projector that President Gubler gave President Checketts.  We will get it back!!!  Lunch went well and the missionaries were feed both spiritually and physically.  There was enough leftovers for all the couples to have dinner the next night.

Elder Wallace and Elder Rees helped a little in the kitchen but went out looking at flats again.

I must say that we sleep well after MLC.  We were busy every moment. 

Thursday, 2 August 2018

We are in shock that it is August already.  To much going on yesterday to realize that it was 1st of August.  Days get jumbled one after another. 

We served breakfast to the three AP's.  Waffles with ice cream and buttermilk syrup and fruit.  I tried a new waffle recipe which was a big hit.  I spent most of the day working on 11 baptisms and getting them inputted into the system and sent to church headquarters.  Elder Rees and Elder Wallace spent the morning and part of the afternoon working with President Checketts and the AP's to work on transfers and housing. Sister Gorgas worked on Council Taxes.  After work, Sister Gorgas came over to see the flat and we walked her back to the tube and set her off home.  Sister Gorgas and I tried to use the elevator which is very old - and it did not work.  There was no lights or electricity going to the elevator.  We walked the four flights of stairs. 
