Monday-Thursday, 13-16 August 2018

Monday, 13 August 2018

We woke early so Elder Wallace could walk to the store to purchase potatoes for the potato salad tonight.  I spent the morning putting the salad together and getting ready for work.

It is a busy week. Zone Conferences!!!! Elder Wallace and Elder Rees drove to Reading to move Elders out of a flat and into a new flat.  I spent the day at Costco with Sister Rees and Sister Checketts.  I am the official driver.  Sister Checketts would like me to get my UK drivers licence.  The car was packed with food for three days of feeding missionaries.

Returned home to finish potato salad and returned to Hyde Park Church for FHE with all the wonderful senior couples.  We have a potluck dinner and say farewell to the missionaries leaving the fold.  Such a fine time!

Photos by Clark

Fun evening with senior missionary couples.

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Elder Wallace and Rees closed a flat in Wimbely and was gone most of the day.  I was up early in the morning preparing French and Poppy Seed Dressing for Zone Conference and arriving early to the church.  I am in charge of food for Zone Conference.  Pizza is the main menu for Zone Conference.  We have it delivered from Dominoes.  We prepare a salad and dessert.  We had spinach/lettuce salad with apples, craisins, carrots and cucumbers.  Sister Rees wasn't to sure about the salad but it raved about it afterwards.  I had to convince the missionaries to try the French Dressing.  Before lunch the new senior couple Elder and Sister Bullock arrives.  She gave me a warm hug and said to say HI from Edie DuPaix.  They went to high school together.  They are lovely people and excited they have joined us.  They will be doing Pathway.

Came home and crashed!!!

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Repeat of Tuesday - same place - same lunch - same set-up and clean-up.  We are more efficient having fixed the dinner the day before.  We were short two extra people in the kitchen.  Ernstoms left to pick up his brother and wife from Heathrow.  The work goes on and gets accomplished and the Lord provides.  Elder Wallace took the tube to pick up the van that was being fixed.  He called as he was leaving Costco.  He quickly went back to Costco to pick up grapes for tomorrows Zone Conference.  A tender mercy!  We still need to get lettuce and spinach from store.  We spent the evening preparing for Jan and Stewart.

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Zone Conference - final day.  Repeat of the last few days.  We joke that it feels like the movie  'Ground Hog Day'. Stewart and Jan arrived early and it was so good to see them.  Tears of joy!  Jan was a big help in the kitchen.  There was extra time for everyone to eat lunch before the missionaries.  Clark spent the afternoon with Stewart and Jan showing them London while I stayed and finished up.  It rained all day!  Something that hasn't happened for eight weeks.  I am sure there is more to come.  I am not complaining just explaining!  We went to Fourberts (pronounced Fourbears) for a wonderful Italian dinner that we were introduced by the Rees last Friday.  It was fun talking about our families and catching up on the news in Utah.
