Friday-Saturday, 3-4 August 2018

Friday, 3 August 2018

The days go by like a trip on a roller coaster.  You have your highs and the lows, ups and downs, and the ride was exciting and you can't believe the ride went so fast and now its over.  The only way I can remember everything is to write it down each day.  I need to be better disciplined like the Doyle Family and their blog.  I know - don't compare!

I was able to wash three loads of laundry and hang two loads before leaving for work.  Elder Wallace came by the during the day and hung up the third load of clothes.  We came home for a late lunch and was able to put clean sheets on the bed and tidy up and fold the rest of the clothes.  I took a passport picture again to apply for an oyster card to ride the tube and buses in London.  Elder Wallace got the Freedom Pass for over 65.  At least there is one bright side I am not 65 YET.  I even got an email from Wells Fargo Bank congratulating me on my 64 1/2 birthday and reminding me to apply for medicare and they would love to help me apply.  (LOL)

The weather is the biggest story here.  It is hot and humid!  Just walking from home makes sweat pearl up on your face and soak the clothes your wearing.  After the office
closed we walked home and changed and met up with the Ernstoms and had a hamburger and fries at The Gourmet Burger.  It was delicious.  Sister Ernstom shared her strawberry shake and next time I will get one. After dinner we made our way to the Ernstoms and played a game of Five Crowns and a name with Pirates in it.  It reminded me of Mormon Bridge without the trump cards.  We said our goodbyes to the Ernstoms and walked back to Hyde Park Church to get a car and go grocery shopping at Tesco.  We think we might have company for Sunday dinner. We bought a roast and potatoes just in case.  We had invited Elder Walker and his parents to come for Sunday dinner if they were around London.

Saturday, 4 August 2018

Elder & Sister Wells with Elder Wallace outside of St Paul Cathedral
Woke early and was able to get the ironing done in the cool of the morning.  We rieady ourselves for the day and had breakfast.  We left the house just before 9 am to meet up with the Elder and Sister Wells at Paddington Square at 9:30 am.  To our surprise several of the tube lines were closed and made havoc with our travel to meet the Wells.  We arranged to meet the Wells at the Baker Street tube stop.It took an extra hour out of our day.  Our first step was to buy tickets to a play.  We found the place to get discount theater tickets in Leicester Square and bought 6 tickets to Matilda for the 2:30 pm matinee.  We went to the Thames River to get a ride on a boat but the found the lines long and streets crowded.  We took the tube to St. Paul's Cathedral.  A wedding had just been performed and pictures were being taken.  It was a huge crowd having pictures on the steps of the cathedral something like what we do at the Salt Lake Temple.   The woman were wearing the best with hats of all kinds.  Most of the men were in suits except the groom was in a tux with tails which was very English.  The Wells loved St Paul's Cathedral.  On our way to the play we bought sandwiches and drinks at a deli.  We tried to eat the food before entering the theater but they did care if we had it.  We met the    and enjoyed the play.  Not a favorite but we were entertained.  We were amazed at the talent of the young people.  They sang and danced like they were much older.  After the play the Ernstroms said goodbye and we took the tube back to Paddington and found a place called Garfunkels and had fish and chips.  Elder Wells paid for our dinner.  We very gracious about it and they were very thankful for the guided tour.  They enjoyed the day.  We hope to do one more Saturday before they leave to return home in September.  After returning home Elder Wallace found a movie called Matilda and watched it as I slept on the couch.  We walked over 1600 steps and climbed 67 sets of stairs.


  1. Having to depend on public transportation can be very frustrating, but the Metro in Paris and the Tube in London are so useful and you don't have to worry about parking. It sounds like you are keeping your legs in shape!


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