Friday, 10 August 2018

Friday, 10 August 2018

All I know is that we did get up, dressed, went to work!  The rest is a blank!!! That is what happens when I don't write a daily on the blog. 

Saturday, 11 August 2018

With Elder Wallace as our chauffeur, the Evans, Christensens, Ernstorms and Wallaces were off in the mission van.  Saturday is our P-day and we got everything ready during the week so we could go to the London Temple.  We had a wonderful session, changed our clothes and loaded into the van and headed for Seven Sisters.  The GPS took us to several different locations and we thought we wouldn't make it.  We did see some sights we wouldn't have seen but I worried that Seven Sisters would close and I wanted the Evans to see Seven Sisters before they leave in a week.  I should not have worried so much.  We had plenty of time to see Seven Sisters and take a nice long walk to the lighthouse up the hill.  We ended the evening by having dinner at Fayre and Square.  Food was tasty and the company was terrific.  We arrived home late in the evening but happy. 
Left to right: Evans, Engstroms, Christensens and Wallaces.
Just finished a session at the London Temple.
I love Sister Christensen.  We are becoming wonderful friends.

Sister Christensen

Proof that we made it to the
lighthouse.  We saw someone
up by the lighthouse and sitting
a kitchen table.

Seven Sisters in the background

Sunday, 12 August 2018

Make Choc. Chip Cookies early this morning for the Munch and Mingle at the Lea Valley Ward today.  Elder and Sister Rees are leaving the ward to be with President and Sister Checketts until they go home on September 22.  The Ward loves the Rees and the Rees love the ward members.  They have been a support to the ward.  They will be missed.  I should of taken a picture of the food people brought.  They have two sets of elders and one set of sister missionaries.  I worked beside each sister missionary to help dish out food.  I met Sister Evans the Primary President and she needs help in with teaching the children songs in Primary.  I will be the chorister until they get a replacement.  Duties start next Sunday. 

The rest of the afternoon is a blur.  We were full from lunch and didn't eat dinner.  I prepared potatoes, eggs, and sauce for FHE the next day. 

Elder and Sister Rees surround by the Lea Valley Ward members.
