Wednesday-Sunday, 27-31 June - 1 July 2018

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Saying a last goodbye to some brilliant
sister missionaries.

We were up early to get a sister to Heathrow Airport.  We arrived at the office at 6 am and picked up the sister and was her last companion. (can't remember her name)  She was going to Jamica.

We spent the rest of the day packing and getting ready for our move to London.  Elder Wallace go the van and we packed most of our luggage and boxes and left a few things for our return on Saturday.

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Today is the moving day.  We readied ourselves for the day and finished packing personal things and arrived at the office.  We packed as much as we could from the office to take to London Office.  We packed our computers, passports, flat files, and financial files.  The van was full, we said our good byes and drove off.  We drove straight to the London office. Elder Rees had the missionaries prepared to help unload the van.  After the van was unloaded of office stuff, Elder Wallace, Elder Rees and missionaries went to our flat and unloaded the van and carried our things to the 4th floor which is really the 5th floor in America!  The missionaries made light work of going up and down the stairs.  We said thanked the missionaries for the service.  We spent the rest of the day organising the flat.

Friday, 29 June 2018

We arrived just before 9 am and ready for work.  The office elders help set up our computers and at least got us up and running but not fully connected to the church programs.  We were anxiously waiting to meet President & Sister Checketts which were suppose to arrive at noon.  At 3:30 pm the Checketts arrived to see the office and meet the staff.  President Checketts is a tall and board man and Sister Checketts is small and petite.  He has quiet the presence when he enters the room.  We shook the President Checkett's hand and I hugged Sister Checketts than took off to return home to the London Temple to go out to dinner with Sister Harkness and Elder & Sister Davis.  The last time that we will see the them again.   It took us 2 1/2 hours to get home. We had a wonderful visit at dinner and was so glad to rest our bodies. 

Saturday, 30 June 2018

We had our first meeting with President and Sister Checketts.  We were 10 minutes late for the meeting which later we found out that President Checketts does time management and loves to start and stop meetings on time.  OPPS!!!  It won't happen again!  We were a little late because we had to finish cleaning the flat and packing and say goodbye to the Bridgstock family.  I love the Bridgstocks and I loved living on their 33 acre estate.  I will miss them and especially Lesley.

Mark & Connie texted me just at the close of the our luncheon meeting with the Checketts.  It was just a time to get to know us and thank us for our service.  We met Mark & Connie which drove to Gatwick and dropped of the rental car and took the train to Victoria Station and caught the tube to South Kennsington.  We had Mark & Connie come and see our office and meet the staff including the Checketts.  We walked to our flat and changed and went touring.  We took them to Covent Gardens for dinner and shopping and watching all the different performers around the square.  We had enough time to make it to Wicked which Mark & Connie had never seen.  They loved it. And I loved seeing it again.  It seems to get better each time I see it.

Sunday, 1 July 2018

It's my brother Dan's birthday and an anniversary for  Robert & Susan,  my sister and brother-in-law which I love them dearly!

We attend church in Hyde Park with Mark and Connie at 9 am.  We love the ward and felt joy from the sweet spirit that was there.  We had Elder Marcus Nash, a Seventy, come shake our hands and say thank you for serving.  He was a speaker in Sacrament Mtg along with President and Sister Checketts.

We arrived home and Connie and I took off our shoes and was anxious to rest.  Elder and Mark went for a walk to check out a few museums.  Connie and I decided to stay home.  We were able to visit and reconnect. Connie packed while I prepared dinner.  I love Connie dearly!  She has been a kind and thoughtful daughter-in-law through the years.  I feel like she is one of mine and thank the Fiorito's for sharing her with us. I am so happy that family is here.  We ate spaghetti and a spinach salad with poppy seed dressing.  We had brownies and ice cream for dessert.  Afterwards we walked through Hyde Park.  There is a water fountain in memory of Princess Di. We also found the Prince Albert statue and met a couple that was touring with a group from Utah State.  She told us all about Prince Albert and how Queen Victory loved him and they had 9 children.  I am sure it was an arranged marriage. When he died Queen Victory loved his so much she didn't want people to forget about him and had the statue made.


  1. Yes, Queen Victoria's love for her Albert was legendary. Mary Kaye has watched the "Victoria" series for three years now. It is fascinating! I've seen much of it, too. You guys are in the middle of one of the great historical cities of the world. Driving will REALLY be hard now, we imagine....


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