Thursday, 19 July 2018

Thursday, 19 July 2018

Elder Wallace left for Worthing and Brighton at 6 am this morning without me.  I had a very productive morning doing three loads of laundry and cleaning the kitchen and housework.  It seemed strange to not have Clark around this morning.  I had left my keys in Worthing the week before and couldn't leave the flat until someone was at the office.  I should of gone in early but I enjoyed the morning.  I even got to soak in the tub and read.  Elder Wallace and I kept in touch and was glad when he called and he was in Brighton.  I felt bad that I wasn't there to help clean the flat.  I helped Andrew and others move box springs to the Rees flat preparing for getting the Purple mattress.  Sister Rees treated me to a hot dog and ice cream right across the street from the Hyde Park Chapel.  Yummy hot dog with onions, ketchup and mustard and dessert was soft ice cream!!!  I drove Sister Rees to the President Gubler's home to collect some other items for missionary flats. We took a few wrong turns coming home but made it home by 5:30 pm just 10 minutes after Elder Wallace returned.  Sister Gorgas was just leaving so we walked her part way to the tube station, hugged and said our goodbyes.

We arrived home and decided to have breakfast for dinner with hash browns, eggs, and mushrooms with oj and cranberry juice.  Elder Wallace cleaned up from dinner while I worked on the laundry.  Interesting thing about the laundry.  I have a washer/dryer combo and it does the wash fine but not the drying.  I discovered that if I take out half the load of clothes after washing and dry the rest of the clothes the dryer works much better.  I have to really plan times of washing and drying clothes.  Afterwards Elder called Roger and Edie DuPaix.  We had a delightful visit and Roger said Danny, Dennis and he were working on losing 10 pounds by Thanksgiving.  I took the challenge. Tomorrow!!!  Elder fell asleep while I am writing this blog.

Love this quote which is so true.

There are 2 pains that you will go through in life,
the pain of discipline and the pain of regret.
Discipline weights ounces while regret weighs tonnes.

Hope this helps in losing tonnes!!!


  1. We hope you have recovered from your fall. Our clothes washer in Geneva was so slow! We had no dryer so had to hang them out to dry in the front room. After a while, we would just go to the mission office and use the nice big one downstairs.


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