Sunday-Tuesday, 15-17 July 2018

Sunday, 15 July 2018

I stayed from church nursing my foot and resting.  I read 'The Infinite Atonement' and learned so much about the blessings of exaltation.  I am beyond grateful to Jesus Christ for his atoning sacrifice.  I will be forever in his debt and the only way I can show my appreciation is to follow Christ and live the commandments.

Elder and Sister Davis attended the Hyde Park Ward meeting at 9 am and Elder Wallace attended the Lea Valley Ward.  Elder arrived back home at 1:30 pm.  I was a bit surprised to see him so early.  Church had gotten out early because of the heat.  There is no air conditioner in the church. It reminded me of school being cancelled because of snow in reverse.  The foot started swelling and is  showing signs of bruising and happy that nothing is broken.  I was able to spend some time fixing pulled pork sandwiches and a green salad for dinner and GU for dessert.  I din't want to turn on the oven because of the heat.  Elder & Sister Baum came for dinner with the Davis'.  We had a delightful visit and laughed and talked.  We also spent the rest of the evening playing games.  What a fun evening.  I need today to recoup and some alone time.

Monday, 16 July 2018

We got up early and prepared for the day.  Sister Davis did not feel well during the night and was still asleep when we left.  Davis' are not sure what they are going to do.  They may go home.  We quietly ate breakfast and left our company.  The Lord's work must go on.  We walked to work and packed the van and drove to Purley to close down a flat.  The flat wasn't in to bad of shape since we had been there for over five years.  It it took 2 1/2 hours to clean with two couples and 1 set of missionaries.  The Elders were such a big help carrying boxes and mattresses and old bunk beds to the van.  Sister Sanders and I started cleaning the bedrooms when I left her to finish while I fixed a vacuum and then cleaned the kitchen.  I felt like I had a great job until the landlord called the next day to say they had people cleaning the carpets (which needed it and were going to paint the walls).  Elder & Sister Sanders are wonderful people.  She is the hardest worker and we get a lot done in a short amount of time.  We laughed after we saw how we were sweating and tired that we are paying for this wonderful experience.  We are very blessed to be here in England and loving the experience.   Elder Wallace and I stuck around until the landlord came to the flat. He is an elderly India gentleman just taller than me with dark skin and white hair and very much in control of the situation.  We discussed the hole in the carpet, a single bed that was missing, and a fridge that looked like it had been in a radiation experiment.  It had rust marks all over the fridge.  I did find out later after looking at the inventory sheet that there was not single bed.  We said goodbye and will talk in a few days when he gets the cost of a fridge and carpet.

Elder Wallace took me out for lunch at Costco.  He had his usual a hot dog and drink and I had a slice of pizza.  We drove to the London Temple to go through items from the flat and decided what to do with the flat items.  We loaded the van again and headed to Crawley Rubbish and Recycle.  We finally made it back to London by 6 pm and went home and changed and went to FHE with the senior missionaries for dinner and a goodbye to Elder & Sister Parrish.  They are wonderful people and I wish I had time to get to know them better.  They are going home next Monday.  We all introduced ourselves especially because half came from the South London Mission and the other from the London Mission.  Dinner was such a treat after travelling all day.  The Davis' came with us and enjoyed the evening also.  The one thing that was interesting was we got to met and take a picture with President Dallin H. Oaks. He is a gentle giant of a man.  We had our picture taken with him but he asked that we not put in on the internet.  We came home with the Davis' and played one game of Five Crowns and went to bed.

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Elder Wallace and Elder Polishchuk. Notice in
the background all the presidents of the mission.
Several of the past mission presidents are relatives
and many have become apostles and leaders of the
 We got to spend the day in the office.  What a nice day to catch up.  We had two new missionaries arrive and Elder Polishchuk is going back home to the Ukraine.  He knew Sister Jasmine Wallace when she was on her mission.  It was great to met many new Elders and Sister while they are having interviews with President Checketts.  I did learn a little about my new job at the mission.  I helped with passports and what to do with them.  We came home for a quick lunch and walked to HSBC (Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) bank to find out HSBC cannot notarize a document for us.  They said a teacher, doctor, nurse could notarize it for us.  We had a member come in and tell us that they use a special notary and gave us the information we needed.  What a blessing it was to us.  We returned to the office till 6 pm.  The air was cooler than it has been for some time.  We had a green salad with chicken and hard boiled eggs.  We walked back to the office to retrieve a few items that we found at a flat.  We made up some granola for breakfast.  Time to spend a little time together.
Only way to remember how to spell
Elder Polishchuk's name was to take
a picture. 
