Sunday, 30 July 2018

Sunday, 30 July 2018

Today is Sunday and it is raining!  England needs the rain badly.  Utah and California needs rain also.  We have been reading about the fires and the loss of life and homes. It is so different going to church on Sunday.  We walked to the tube by Harrods using our umbrellas.  There was a big bike race going on and streets had been closed.  We couldn't cross the street with so many bikes travelling at high speeds.  We walk  another 5 minutes to the tube station and took two different tubes and another walk to church.  There had been a baptism and we arrived just after the baptism and end of the talks.  Peter has been coming to church for a long time and decided to be baptized.  The hike up St Paul's Cathedral took more out of me than I thought. I slept through a talk by a long time member of the church.  She talked without script for over 25 minutes when the Bishop told her it was time to stop so another sister could talk.  It reminded me of Bishop Doyle telling Sister Crystal it was time to stop. 

While sitting in Sunday School, the first councilor in the Bishopric asked as to speak in two weeks.  Clark is to talk on repentance and I am to talk on forgiveness. Coming home from the church the stores are open and many people are out on the streets eating and smoking.  It is like another day to them.  I am sure that we look strange all dressed up in Sunday best. 
Beautiful looking trifle!

We made trifle for the first time.  I looked on the internet for a true Britain trifle recipe and found several of them. I am making trifle for the departing missionaries a week from Monday and I needed a trail run.  Since we were having guests it seemed like the ideal time.  It was a big hit. We had the Evans and the Phillips come to dinner.  Elder Evans knows Stewart and Jan.  We had delighful time besides the food being delicious on a cold and rainy day.  We served meatballs in a gravy, mashed potatoes, poppy seed and spinach salad.  The Evans brought rolls and the Phillips brought fruit.  It was a fun evening. 

After they left, I told Clark I needed to lay down for a few minutes and feel asleep for over an hour.  It is just what I needed.  I was going to get in a few minutes and work on the blog but sleep overtook me. 


  1. Ah yes, Sister Crystal was a talker! How did the trifle taste?


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