Sunday, 22 July 2018

Sunday, 22 July 2018

We attended Lea Valley Ward and enjoyed the meetings.  It is very hot with no air conditioner and a sweet lady loaned me here blue decorated fan to use after seeing my folded paper.  One of my goals this week is to get a fan. I have never seen such a diverse ward.  In Relief Society they divided us into groups of 4 and we were to find a group to go with.  I found two sisters and soon realized that they only spoke Spanish and did the exercise in Spanish.  I just sat back and listened until another sister rescued me and told me what they were saying.  The sisters were delightful to hear in their own language and I could sense what they were saying by he emotion and conviction they spoke.  The spirit does bless our hearts and minds.

Spent Sunday afternoon reading scriptures, watched the Tabernacle Choir Pioneer Program and rested. We loved the program with the music from Richard Rodgers and lyrics from Oscar Hammerstein.  Music from all the famous musicals that I grew up with.

 I want to make cookies and deliver them to the different flats in our apartment but it is still soooooooooo and toooooooo hot!

Elder and Sister Ernstrom invited us over for dinner and served a delicious Ritz Crackers chicken, rice, string beans, cherries and mangoes with rolls.  Afterwards we played a game of Five Crowns and had the dessert we bought and brought called GU.  A cheese cake and chocolate dessert that is put in a glass jar.  The Ernstroms loved the dessert.  And we contiuned to play one more game of Five Crowns.  I am about Five Crowned out after this weekend and enjoyed being with different couples and getting to know them.  It is strange not to have a car.  We walked about 20-25 minutes to the Ernstoms flat.


  1. Oh, so you lost your car? You will be in good shape when you come home!


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