Monday-Tuesday, 25-26 June 2018

Monday, 25 June 2018

Mark and Connie rented a car out of Gatwick Airport.  We drove them to the airport and I dropped the three of them off and drove back home.  I was surprised that the three of them got home so quickly.  They talked how easy it was to rent the car.  Mark drove while Clark gave him a few instructions on round-a-bouts and England driving and then they were off on their adventures.  We will see them in London on Saturday.  We returned to the office after sending Mark & Connie on their way.  Sister Harkness and I drove to President and Sister Gubler where Clark and the Parkers took the van.  We met the Gublers and they showed us the beds and other items we could take with us.  They have two Purple beds.  Clark is interested in the queen Purple bed. We found out that there is no queen bed in England because nobody sleeps on the queen.  When the queen dies and a new king takes over there will be no king bed.  Sister Harkness and I drove to Costco to purchase what we needed for transfers the next day. We unloaded the van of our goods.  Clark and I arrived home to pack and load the van as Clark is taking Elder Agiare to London and will be taking part of our things to our new flat.  I kept seeing how long it took the Parkers and Sister Harkness to pack and get ready to leave.  I didn't think I had bought that much until I started packing.  I was humbled and repented of judging others.  We did hear back from Mark & Connie and they made it to their B & B without any problems.  Our prayers had been answered.

We picked up a Sister Holt from Three Bridges and delivered her to the sisters in Crawley at 9:30 pm. She is being transferred to Crawley Zone. We will pick up Sister Shumway tomorrow and take her to the train station to be transferred to a zone in the Birmingham Mission.  We will miss her.

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Transfers!  We have 24 missionaries going home and no new missionaries.

We arrived at the sister missionaries in Crawley to pick up Sister Shumway.  She is a talented, mild, kind and loving sister and she will be missed and brought her back to the office.  Someone was dropping of a missionary and picking up Sister Shumway to go to Poole Zone.
Sister Jenkins, Holt, Shumway and Wallace (me).
I just love these sisters!  Great missionaries!

Sister Harkness and I spent part of the day in the Accommodations kitchen preparing dinner for the missionaries.  I went back to the office to work and forgot the time.  Sister Harkness had been down in the kitchen for a time getting the potatoes boiling and cutting up strawberries.  It was a tender mercy because dinner would have been late.  We did Swedish meatball, mashed potatoes and gravy with broccoli salad.  Next time I would have a cooler dinner.  It is hot here and reminds you of Utah.

Elder Wallace picked up transferring and going home missionaries from Lingfield.  He packed the bags of Elder Agiare and spent the day driving to London.  Before he left Elder Wallace stopped back at our flat and took boxes and other items to the new flat in London after dropping off Elder Agiare.

The office elders saw that I was in a panic and decided the best thing they could do was to pack my files.  That was the least of my worries but it was nice to get help doing it.  We were short on packing boxes for the files when Elder Parker came up with the idea to use these blue plastic boxes that we used for mail.  It was perfect to hold heavy files. 


  1. It's getting close! We hope Mark and Connie are having a good time!


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